Strawberry obsession

Date: 7/26/2020

By GoldenApple

I was in a harry potter like setting, gloomy, dark, woodsy. I and a bunch of others my age were in a massive building looking ready to fall apart, it had grown a forest inside. We were digging up secret entrances and places covered in sand. We found what seemed to be a portal between two connected trees, a portal into another forest with tombstones, so probably a graveyard. Some were considering going up the stairs and enter the portal, but for some reason i didnt trust it. I decided to throw a rock inside and we waited. A very tall, deadly pale, skinny humanoid looking creature walked infront of the portal entrance, he was holding a really long axe. We could only see his back, but he turned around when he noticed us. His face was sunken in, he didnt have a mouth or eyes, just two dark hollow spots where they should have been, but it seemed like he could see us anyway, it was like he was staring at us in a frozen pose. I closed the portal quickly, the creature tried to open it, but i closed it again and he gave up. We went further into the building, a couple of people had digged up a machine that increases value to any item you want by just adding a coin, one coin doubled the value the item already had. I tried this with a strawberry. It looked like it did nothing to the berry, but i made someone try to eat it, they said its the best strawberry they have ever had. A few more people, including me took a bite out of the same strawberry and we desperately wanted more, suddenly all everyone who took a bite could think about was strawberry, talking about how juicy and beautiful it was. I was gonna make a whole box of strawberries with a lot more coins, to increase the value, but someone stopped me and said we dont know what it does to our brains, that it seems dangerous and to look around and see how desperate they were getting, like zombies, they were still sucking on that one strawberry draining all they could without completely eating it. I put the box down.