Danielle the demon

Date: 3/22/2021

By Caophi

Abu and Ian - good conversation Some demon chick named Danielle I had a gun and she told me to shoot her in the face Knew it wouldn’t work so I didn’t. We talked and then someone we were going to head to the club. Outside there was a baby in a stroller Pushed it down the block but the baby fell asleep and was dragging it’s face on the concrete. I stopped to pick it up but the head was severed. I I went back to the house to get tools to pick up the baby’s head. Grabbed a metal ladle thing and some tongs. The eyeball fell out of its socket and I could see the spinal bone where the neck was. The head turned into a skull. I picked it up with the ladle hook and walked down a block behind some houses there was a huge river and yeeted it into the river. I noticed a group of people nearby fishing or some shit and another group of fratty white boys playing frisbee. Tried to hide behind the hill so I didn’t get caught. They make their way over and see me. One of em said something like If you’re gonna be hiding it better be to creep on girls?? The scene shifted into a movie preview called the Stick up Kid. The gun I had earlier came out and it became a 3rd person view of this kid shooting all the frat boys. The last one was in a little swamp nearly drowning and then he got shot. Scene reverts to walking onto a bus and the gun is suddenly in my hand. I sit next to Brandon, he has a backpack and I hand him the gun to hide. Next to my right was Garrett. I just hugged him and told him I missed him. Shook his hand and noticed the big ass hands lol. Then for some reason I had massive deja vu in the dream and announced I’ve had this dream before and knew what was going to happen. I was convinced I had the dream written down in real life (I didn’t) I even said ON GOD. And that phrase was one of the themes I thought I had written. A guy across from me on the bus nodded his head like ya! Suddenly Danielle was to my left again and I told her that she was going to die at the end of it. Garrett then sticks his hand out the window of the bus and loses it. He pulls it back in and the hand is hanging off his wrist. Brandon to my left tells me to grab a zip tie. We go into calm medic mode and I hold his meat bag arm up with flesh dangling everywhere while Brandon gets the zip tie on. We pull it and use it as a TQ. Blood and guts spill all over us and we’re all like gross. Scene shifts and now were supposedly on the way back from the club. A guy on the bus said something like wow the club was crazy. I’m like no we never made it we’re still on the same bus ride. Everyone else on the bus was annoyed with him for spilling the ‘secret’. Guess he was an amateur when it came to dream incepting. I wake up inside a house. People come home from the club and Danielle walked in again. I’m chopping cocaine lines on a mirror and I prance around the house in excitement with mirror in hand. Displace my cocaine everywhere. I get back to the living room couch to rechop the lines. Some Lightskin shorty was on the couch I asked for a card. She said look in your wallet. Said I’m too lazy. Then I said wanna make out while we wait she’s like yea. I grab her by the ass cheeks and get on top of her we start kissing. Notice her face turn demony and I was anticipating it. She said why’d you have to ruin the PG? I said awe I’m sorry babe, half sarcastically. I think she reverts to normal and then before I wake up I said you ain’t no Danielle. Pussy!