Legend of Zelda thing / Camping Volcano

Date: 4/5/2018

By JadePink383

So irl my sister has LoZ Ocarina of Time so that's were this all came from. So I can't remember all the details, but Link can travel through space to other planets and each planet has a god he must defeat, or trick into killing itself. the goal is together as many as you can. there are a few difrent types of planets I remeber normal planets, planets that look like land masses rather than orbs, and just random shapes. I remember one planet where it was mostly desert. The God of that planet was located at the top of this big tower thing. I allmost beat him, but than he fired a volcano and shot link into space. I would explain more but this part of the dream was too complex. I thoght I want to play So I stole Hope's 2Ds and started playing. Apperantly we were going camping so mom told me to get out of the car and turn of the 2Ds. We were in the mountains and there were these strange cloud pillars. I we walked down the path a little becouse and than mom chained Hope's foot to the ground for some reason. we went back to the car to get Lilly and it turns out she was stairing at a giant volcano. Than my mom told me that she once saw it erupt. Than it erupted. the valcano was to far away to reach us, but dreams are as dreams do, it got to us and started rolling down next to our car but hope was about to get touched my the lava and die becouse she is chained to the ground.