
Date: 7/7/2022

By risei

I feel awful, my heartrate is so crazy fast. This is the worst nightmare ever. A serial killer on a killing spree, inside a mall. Thank god it wasn't my mom or my little sister with me on that dream. It was with a girl, maybe one of my ex bestfriend? I didn't exactly looked at her, but i think i scream her name one time at the dream.. yeah. We were at a grocery? On the second floor? And suddenly doors got locked, security are panicked and are telling people to get out and get help. They opened a window that lets down on a courtyard so some of us got down, i distinctly remember old clasmates being there... Michael.. alvin... Even freaking nestor, my ex dad and he was also a shitty dad there. So as we were coming down we were planning saying that we go by twos run as fast as hell to the exit, but were carrying stuff down (groceries) i got down after nestor i think got the plastic bags and then my dad who was waiting with me to go with my bestfriend said fuck it this is taking too long and sprinted out of sight. Fucker. She was almost down when commotion upstairs at the grocery got people screaming so i tugged her down threw my groceries at the one climbing down and sprinted as fast as i can. I can fucking hear exhilarated laughter behind saying 'yeah!' like the fucker was happy we gave chase.. anyway, when my old clasmates saw us on a dead sprint they also sprinted, but someone beside me, i dont know what happened but he got sucked into a flaming vent and got roasted, so there's likely a fire or the whole place is booby trapped. We kept running inside the mall, some guys directed to run to the security stations, at first we saw people standing inside and we scrambled to get in only for them to get overwhelmed by the killer, mind you he isnt even holding a weapon... Anyway, the running group split into two, the psycho kept folling my group, so i just kind of veered in a bank? I think, the teller has to have a gun under the counter, and lo and behold she doesall of us are sweaty and panting with anicked faces, good god the teller was kind of smart and can tell something dangerous was chasing us so she immediately got the gun ready, when a guy slammed at the doors and kept pounding on it like he's going to break it. She didn't hesitate and shot straight in the middle of the chest. But he didn't fall down, his face tho damn. It was all sulky and sad, like all the energy left him, mall secirity surrounded him and hand cuffed him, and i immediately left to look for my friends, found my bestfriend and said to her it's over, she kind of nodded gratefully, she was exhausted so we started walking back to the grocery and saw some of our dead friends... It's awful. Thank god i woke after that one corpse..