Date: 4/17/2019
By beccaperson
I was a boy in this dream and my dad (at least he said he was) worked in a very religious psychiatric hospital and decided to keep me there. At one point he broke my legs and mutilated my genitals, and kept me like that for a long time. He wanted to test and see if I could survive it, and if I did he said I'd be the new savior or something. At one point, the hospital was being evacuated and he told me that if I could make it out without help on my barely healed legs I'd be free. And I stumbled down halls and into elevators and on the ground floor the reason for the evacuation was blocking the outside of the elevator door. I tried to climb over him since he was on the floor, but he kicked my legs and left me in a lot of pain. I stumbled back into the elevator and waited a moment. The man tried to escape the staff by crawling into the elevator we were in so I left my father behind and scrambled past him. I managed to get outside with a group of other people, and like didn't even think of asking the civilians nearby to help me or anything. I just stood there with everyone else.