Date: 2/14/2018
By Jadders
I was at home as some violent guy had just stormed out of the house. (home actually looked like home) The whole family other than my brother, were all stood still in shock for what felt like ages. Then my brother walks in through the front door from work. He closes the door and says "there is a crazy angry guy outside. I think he is coming here. just a heads up guys". we were all shouting at him to lock the door, but he said "I can't, the keys are in my hand". So I ran to the door taking the keys off my brother to lock the door, but I was too late. My little brother came to help but the guy kicked the door open. As he did the he kicked my little brothers face, so my other brother stepped in to tell him to get the fuck out, and got a kick to the groin. The guy started screaming and shouting so loud and so much he had red veins piping out of his face. We told him to just take what he wants and leave. we showed him the tv and PlayStation. He just picked them up and started throwing them at us, as if we was targets. He asked if anyone had called the police but we all said no, when my brother that had been kicked in the groin was calling them. When the police awnsered they said no they would come to this house and hung up. what a waste of time that was. The guy then picked up the southern comfort and brandy and screamed at my dad "ARENT YOU GONNA GONNA ASK ME FOR A DRINK? MAKE ME ONE". Dad acted so cool, took the bottles and made him a drink. Mum snuck out of site to grab the cat and the dog to put them in the yard so they wouldn't get hurt, but he just saw them. He picked up a load of Dvds and started throwing them like they were blades at the cat, so I jumped in the way, so they all hit me. He of course didn't like that and charged at me and punched me square in the face. When I got up he was gone, the house was a mess, and the pet were alive. There was a knock at the door, so I said I'd get it. I look out across the our little front garden space, it was filled with post. and millions of people around our house trying to take the post and get in our house. I called for my brothers, they held back some of the people while I shoveled in the house as much post as I could. Once we had finished try to get back in the house was a nightmare. They all came closer. They thought we was a museum of some sort. we threatened to hit them with the shovel if they didn't move. They didn't, so we kept hitting them. Eventually we closed and locked the door. Looking through the post I see a phone bill addressed to me saying how they had hacked my phone this whole time, and they had dates and figures of how many people I had killed. I've never killed anyone, but the figures started at 200,506 and went even higher as I kept reading. That's a stupidly high number. My mum just told me to be careful. There was another knock at the so I went to It, and without opening it I asked "who is It?". They replied with "guess fucking who?" And stuck his face to the letter box. It was the angry guy again. Turns out he wanted to pass on all the damage he had done to someone else, hence the high figures. But I didn't understand cos the cops were scared of me, thinking I'm a killing machine and the public loved me.