Date: 4/26/2018
By laurashelton
There was a war happening in the spirit world. The leader of the good army and his wife/lover and his best friend were the main people. I don’t remember the men’s faces but the woman was blonde, athletic, and had a round face and looked very kind. The spirit world had a red sky and there was no vegetation on the ground whatsoever, just bare hills of sand or smooth dirt. The war was taking its toll. The best friend died and the main guy and his lover were really sad. Then the lover somehow figured out that he would be reincarnated and that made them feel better. But then she died too. She woke up in the material realm in Sweden. The sky was so blue, so clear, and there were evergreen trees and patches of snow on the ground. She fell in love with its beauty and was not upset about being there, she just missed her lover and her friend. Then she encountered a big furry black dog that enthusiastically greeted her. She realized it was their best friend and that he had been reincarnated into a dog. She thought that since the material plane was more “real” than the spirit world, that meant that the friend’s spirit actually was a dog, and that he only appeared human in the spirit world because there were no such things as dogs in the spirit world. This was his true form. She and the dog went to live in a log cabin in the country in Sweden. She knew that the war in the spirit world was not going well and that her lover would die, so she was going to wait for him and they would have a peaceful life together in the material plane. Once their material bodies died, they would return to the spirit world and restore balance once more. This was an absolutely beautiful dream and it felt so insightful while I was having it.