
Date: 1/2/2020

By Talon

I walked to an apartment that was mine, apparently I got there and there was someone inside fixing it up. It was a friend that I do not know. I told her that I almost forgot which apartment was mine because I rarely went there. The neighbor lady told me that I had a cool feature in my apartment that most others didnt have. It was some kind of wood panel or sliding wood door or something And then we went inside to check it out. The apartment looked small from the outside but it was huge on the inside and furnished. The bedroom just had a big trampoline in it I said, no...I need to take this down But they convinced me to keep it We started jumping on it. Suddenly, this dirty smelly man appeared. He was jumping on it too and leaving some kind of gritty sandy and small stone stuff all over the trampoline. I started to get mad I did get mad at someone in the dream and was just yelling at them a lot. And there was another part of the dream where a man was rubbing my tummy. We were in a kitchen. I grabbed onto the counter and the was pulling me towards him. Then someone walked in and everything stopped I even remember walking to the apartment There were some parts of the walk that were so beautiful. I was walking on a sidewalk and it was surrounded my flowering trees. One block had purple flowers. Another block had blue, white and orange It was so mesmerizing and beautiful The final block before I got to my destination had nothing