Lucid dream: third floor descent, the plains of Ireland, infinite beach

Date: 12/30/2017

By TheNagual

I sat at my window looking outwards in darkness and became lucid. I kept doing a reality check to confirm this, it took several tries to confirm the reality check. I didn’t have much control of the dream and my attention was caught by a women below me. I very slowly descended down to her. She told me I need to get a hold of myself before it is to late, the dream then ends. I walk along a cloudy and extremely crowded beach. Their were so many people, you could barely move. I didn’t mind because all the people were distracted by something. There was some kind of threat or danger. I didn’t seem to mind, all I wanted to do was walk along the beach and see how far I could walk this beach for. I looked out and saw the beach and people extend and curve out so far that I could no longer see the end of the beach over the horizon. I was texting V and recognized the potential of what was happening. I consciously thought how I would never let this happen in waking life. In the dream, I continued texting and the texts were somewhat incoherent and I could not get a response. I became extremely upset. A blond women cop who was my friend then picked me up from my house. We drove to these beautiful green plains. As we drove she kept trying to talk to me about something, but I wanted only to know about V. She showed me a magazine of Ireland and famous people and places. She said she was in there because she ended up in one of the photos. I finally found it, she was trying to eat a ridiculously huge burger and I started laughing out loud. I then pointed out how her face looks like an alien, she looked and her face was now a grey aliens face. I have a false awakening and look up at my window from my bed. My dream catcher is larger and centered on my window with glowing geometry on it. There are mandalas with triangles inside it all connected in the shape of a diamond with one line at the bottom. Only, the right side was missing and was longing to be found and connected.