Buying a car and the English

Date: 7/10/2018

By Moonstar

This was a long dream with much detail but I did not get to write it down soon enough so it is incomplete. In the beginning of the dream I am traveling by car with Bill and Hillary Clinton. So that I can continue my trip alone I buy an old gray Volvo from Hillary. It is raining and the roads are icy. I see myself in my mother’s house, in the baseman, fixing a curtain for a corner where a bed is. My mother tells me that is a good bed for a mother in law. Somehow I am afraid in the baseman and I go upstairs. I go into a neighbor’s house where there are many oil paintings in the walls. Some are black and white and scary. My brother is there talking about English history to a man sitting on a rocking chair and several girls. I tell everybody that my brother is the reincarnation of an English man. I want to borrow a camera from one of the girls to take a picture but she will not give it to me. I go to my house, where the duke of Norfolk, my uncle, is. He is old and mean. My boyfriend who is Ralph Fiennes calls me and tell me that it is best if we don’t see each other. I tell my uncle now he can marry me off to whoever he wants. I am wearing a weird outfit with a long dress and a head piece with dangling little balls of something like cotton. I decide to go on line to get another boyfriend but the computer does not work