Dorky teens vs cloud

Date: 11/4/2018

By tiptipkitten

I was in a town that used to be a ancient Japanese village. I was wondering around with someone I met. He showed me pictures of ancient heroes of the village and named them. My memory is fuzzy here, then I’m in the past, a few things happen leading me into this building (I’m no longer there, I’m just watching what’s happening.) the group of people that I was watching was suddenly attack my these men that reminded me of monkeys. They captured one and was gonna use her as a sacrifice (I think?) the rest put up a good fight and even the captured one got away. Then I’m watching a new group and this little kid who I saw in the picture of heroes was there and holding an orb like thing. A big and I’m assuming evil, cloud thing appeared and everyone was freaking out (it was a larrrge crowd). The little kid stood up and pointed to it and the orb flew into the clouds new ground level opening. The kid was gearing up to follow his orb when he was stopped. (It becomes less serious here for some reason??) one of what I’m assuming is the leaders of the village stood up to stop the kid and said something like, we should sent someone less like-able in. He named off two names that shouldn’t be in this time (like Gregg or Jeff) and two really dorky teenagers stood up and started walking nervously to the front. One teenage girl in the crowd stood out and was giving them tips of fighting and wishing them good luck. I then woke up