another weird st joes dream

Date: 9/27/2019

By kceisbrenner

so i was in my elementary school music room but it had rows of high school-esque desks in it, and we were all in our uniforms but we were still our age. me, haley, thomas and vinnie(?) were there along w some other ppl i don't remember, and it was mrs fuhrs class. my shitty roommate from last year was also there?? anyway mrs fuhr passed out this sheet where we were supposed to write down what she said, which was something along the lines of "there's only two genders and saying there's more is wrong.' i started arguing with her and saying that i wasn't gonna write that because i didn't agree with it, and she was like 'well you have to that's the assignment" and i was like 'uh no' and she said 'well you did it when you were here last time.' then she grabbed something out of a file drawer and it was this piece of paper with the same exact words on it and apparently i had written it when we had the same assignment in middle school. so i said 'i was like 9 i didn't understand what i was writing' and she said 'you were 11' and i was like 'whatever how does that matter at all' and then my dream ended