I met Ariana Grande while bleeding out from a gunshot wound

Date: 12/4/2019

By lucyv17

So...basically, I was in art class at my high school, working on who knows what, when this girl I didn’t recognize comes to the table to work with us. My friend gets up to go to the bathroom, when this girl looks at me and then points under the table. I look under and see a gun, which is pointed at my chest. She then proceeds to say “Paint with me”, in a creepy but somehow not suspicious way. So ya, I’m scared shitless, but I’ve seen movies (I mean idk it’s dream me) and I know enough to know to do whatever this random girl says. Ok, so we paint for a while. Idek how nobody noticed she was holding a gun to me the whole time, but whatever this is a dream. So she says she wants to leave, and that she wants me to come with her. I make up some excuse, obviously, and she hides the gun as we walk the halls. Then, all of a sudden, something changes and she wants to go outside. So she takes me out back, to an even sketchier version of the parking by the dumpsters. Randomly, my mom is here. Idk why, but she just is, but she doesn’t know anything and doesn’t see the gun. Then the girl mumbles “this is what you deserve” (not sure what this means) and shoots me in the chest. My first thought was “fuck, why. Like actually, why”. Then it hurt, but like not as much as I expected. Idk. I felt like I was gonna die, but my mom helped me not bleed out. The girl was nowhere to be found, but all of a sudden a car pulls up. The car parks close, and the driver roles up the passenger window. And inside was none other than, you guessed it, Ariana Grande. Why was she in Portland, or more specifically, at my high school? Who even knows. But she saw me bleeding out and offered me a ride to the hospital. It was kinda funny because I was actually more interested in meeting her than trying to survive this gun shot. Like literally I would be struggling to breathe, but I still found the words “oh my gosh, Ariana Grande I’m a huge fan”. Idk. Dream me has weird priorities. Anyway, all I can say was that it was a crazy ride. Idk if I ever made it, though I’d like to imagine that I did. Either way, at least I would’ve died having met Ariana Grande. I mean, that’s pretty good, right?