I killed a girl on accident

Date: 9/1/2018

By space_tubbs

adding to my last dream, the next morning after I found my friend in a diaper I went back to school. we we’re having a sort of field day so people were outside having a barbecue and playing games, and some were inside doing karaoke and painting banners. Not gonna lie it all seemed really fun, I wish my school had actual field days like this but oh well. Anyway, A and I were fighting ((in real life we actually are, I ended up dropping her as a friend)) and I wasn’t talking to her anymore. I was telling J about how upset I was and I wanted to do something. I really wanted to aggressively step on her but he told me that today wasn’t the best day for that. We kept talking and walking around the inside of the school and I saw A and her boyfriend talking shit about me. I took a knife out of nowhere and I was GONNA STAB HER. J stopped me and told me to put that shit down. I listened to him and threw it on the floor, when I did the knife kinda bounced and slid across the floor. It punctured some girls throat and she did the idiotic decision to pull the knife out her throat. Of course she bled out due to her decision and died. After that it was complete chaos since there was a dead person in a school. we evacuated the school and I was worried that the police would find my finger prints on the knife. Long story short they never did and the girl’s parents were complete lunatics