
Date: 4/29/2019

By AzaleahRiddle

The dream starts with me watching a scene. There is this some unknown two guys driving a van in a plain field. There is this some kind of shortcut that they took instead of the normal route however unknow to the the road that they take is under some reparation with it being block. The one who is monitoring this ways is informed and they wait in the other side and even track the whole road for the van. However, it musteriously vanish. The dream shifts with me eating at McDonald's with my friends. From the second floor you could see the said road but since I am not involved with the search I did not put any notice into it. So I climbed up into the third floor hoping to see a beautiful scenery. As I climbed up I met a previous classmate of mine 'Princess' together with her siblings. We talked for a while before I continue to enter the top floor. I didn't get a chance to enter because she warned me that the top floor is based on the occupant's blaance. That if I ever step a wrong foot the whole floor will topple. Afraid of this I descended and just decided to go home. We are waiting outside for one of our friends because she decided to have a last minute order. There a crew is tellinh us to go inside to be more comfortable we told him that we are just waiting for someone. While waiting a air-conditioned bus passed by making us groan since we know that it will be a while beafore another passed by. When the person we are waiting for came we told her about this but she just shrugged and proceeded to stop the next bus. She said that we could just ride a bus that is not air-conditioned to go home. During the ride the dream kinda shifts with me threatening the bus driver and her wife. I said that they should name their future child... I can't remeber it. It's kinda in remembrance with the devil. Then the driver does not find me threatening and just continue to ignore me. Another part of the dream I can remember is that we're in this villa. I am kinda having a photoshoot? together with my friends. So the phone that is used by my father is kinda going to blow up if it still continued to be used and I am the only one aware of this. I immediately remove the battery from the phone and I just know that it won't blow up unless it is used again.