Rick Sanchez Has a Crisis

Date: 11/13/2020

By SagittariusDreamer

I had this long and odd Rick and Morty dream, it's a weird one for sure. I was visiting Rick at his home. No one else was there, he was just relaxing and whatnot. A lot of the dream is missing, but I remember at one point, we had left the house. He was talking about making himself better, into a better person. We ended up at some random store, and we started looking around for something. I don't remember what it was, but Rick had the sudden realization that in order to make himself into a better person, he'd have to erase all of his memories. It made me really sad, and I told him there had to be some other way he could do this. He seemed dead set on it though. We left the store, walking along the sidewalk. I had a sudden realization that we were in Georgia for some reason. We walked past a group of people, from adults to teens and children, wearing Halloween costumes even though it was past Halloween. I asked what they were wearing them for, but I don't remember what they said. Some sort of event. (Note: Rick looks super old in real life)