Horrible mind controlling parasites

Date: 4/18/2017

By Spooped_gurl

So I had a dream that I was part of the J.J. Abrams Star Trek crew that had a parasite epidemic. These alien worms about 3 feet long somehow was spread by through out the crew and I was the only one not infected yet. They incubated in the brains and eyes of the crew and eventually spread themselves by the host having intercourse and kissing. I was being chased by Captain Kirk and Khan because they knew my plans to destroy the ship by fire or warp core failure and kill everyone on board including me. I remember that nobody had sent a distress call warning people about our situation and was desperate to end the problem. I remember looking in Khan's eyes and being weirded out that I saw small worms wiggling in his pupils. He was super angry with me and I woke up before the ship was destroyed. Also Kirk was being creepy with how he spoke and seemed to have froth coming from his mouth.