Paranormal European Vacation

Date: 6/29/2022

By em2002

june 28 2022 ok so i was like vacationing? at someones house with my mom and idk if my siblings or reese were there but they might have been at times. but the person we were staying with, i wanna say it was kim but not quite. and same with her family. i do know that her dad, was uncle Joe. and he did not like me. anyways, their entire family was VERY spiritual. I wanna say they lived somewhere in Europe and the culture there was extremely spiritual. to the point where paranormal shit would straight up just happen to them all the time. I went to the washroom a few times and without thinking about it too much, i noticed the door was unlocked after i was done even though i was sure i locked it. So i went in there again, and this time i made sure to closely watch the lock on the door. and sure enough, the lock on the door unlocked by itself. so i SCREAMED at the top of my lungs for a few entire seconds and my mom and “kim” (im just gonna call her kim for now) were just like ev!! whats wrong!! and i rushed out of the washroom and was like THE LOCK MOVED ON ITS OWN AHHH I SWEAR TO GOD I LOCKED IT AND ITS UNLOCKED NOW AND ITS HAPPENRD TO ME BEFORE BUT ISAW IT THIS TIME and Kim was like oh ya!! thats what happens around here if you dont believe in spirits, they’ll really show you that they exist and they are here! and i was like frozen in fear and crying probably so my mom took me back to the room we were sleeping in. I remember another thing where there was this club? of right wing men and they would eat this special type of meat that would make you first of all think the meat was yummy (it was all gross meat) and reese was there with me and he’d be like don’t eat that, who knows with those guys. meat that controls your brain? they’re bound to be using cannibal meat or meat that’s been in the freezer for 3 years. anf i was like 🤮 and i remember seeing justin (gross justin) from school and he gave me an entire cooked HEART like it was human sized but i didnt even think about it and then i was about to take a bite but then i was like ew this looks really gross so i didn’t. then i remembered what reese said and wanted to throw it somewhere, but we were walking somewhere and passed by a dog in heat stroke that a little girl was helping. She was spraying it with hose water. i think i decided to feed it the heart, and it liked it. I remember being there with noah and reese and i kept mimicking a british accent and noah kept laughing although not sure why i was doing it bc noah’s dutch and reese is american. and i kept being like “lol europeans be like” LMFAO anyways noah and reese hated the conservative meat club thing. as we were walking back to the house, we saw sooo many trucks towing like these HOUSE SIZED kiddie play houses and bouncy castles and stuff, either saying they were for rent or for sale. anf i was like people live in these here?!?! and noah was like hell yeah bitch! and i was like i wanna live in these tf!! anyways I briefly remember being at home too, and there kept being this family of mice or really small rats living in my room. Not that i minded, but i wanted to get them out as soon as possible because frank wanted to kill them. Eventually i found them at the front door and let them all out, and was like see? they just want to be outside with their family, they dont mean any harm. anyways, i think after that i got really really high and kristen and reese were there and my mom was too and she was weirdly okay with it. and me and patrick and lauren dressed up and went trick or treating and i didnt even realize that’s what we were doing until we went outside. and i didnt even know it was halloween. anyways, i went back inside after like 2 houses and then went back out at like 3 am and didnt realize it was too late. and i got sad. but there were still ppl out and still houses giving candy so we just decided to finish trick or treating. ya.