Zombie Dog

Date: 4/13/2020

By leathecage

I work at a doggy day care, and I had dreamed that I brought my three dogs to work one day, except, they weren't my dogs. One of them was a pomeranian named Lyle, another was a hound dog puppy named Muriel, and lastly was a giant, white dog named Champion. The thing about Champion was, irl, he was my very first dog, but in the dream he looked different. So, at work, I wanted to give Champion a bath, and my coworkers volunteered to do it. I also had to explain to them that Champion died when I was six and he was seventeen, but then he came back to life. Since I was 23, he was now a 34-year-old dog. They found it odd, but promised to tell me if they noticrd anything weird when bathing him. Afterward, I was holding Lyle and Muriel in my arms while I talked with my coworkers. They said Champion's bones felt like crayons, and that I should take him to the vet. I said I was unsure that I should, because he had already died, so whatever happens to his body, it was going to be strange anyway.