🌊Pretty Ocean Treasures and Creepy Cruise Ship Shenanigans 🌊 Dreams Pt. 19

Date: 7/7/2021

By miisguiided

Date: 01/31/2020 @12:13 am So one part of my dream was that I was on this cruise ship and it was extremely huge and very beautiful the waters were as blue as Cancun and it was very tropical looking, well apparently the cruise ship was going to Florida right, and were on this ship and there's a ton of amenities and it starts to get dark and it’s almost as if we’re like hoisted to one spot on this cruise ship dock but the ship is facing straight towards the ocean, and once nightfall hits a bad storm starts approaching. As this big storm is coming over us, all the doors and windows are latched and closed and the waves begin crashing against the ship like in one of those old times Disney movies to make it scary but kid friendly, and all I can see out of these porthole airtight shut windows is the water slowly going higher and higher until you can’t see anything but ocean and the ship underneath it (at this point I know we are sinking but panic begins to set in at the thought of being trapped underwater, so I remember trying to take the elevator to higher floors and I kept getting off on floors where there was still water covering all the windows and I was in full panic mode at this point I’m floating down the halls stumbling, almost as if I’m drunk, down these halls trying to go further up the elevator but not being able to because the storm caused the crew to blockade any guests from going to the top deck. Anyways that’s the first part. Part 2 of the dream: In the second part, the storm was over and it was crystal clear again like in the beginning except we were off the boat and it was me, my mother, my youngest sister and my stepdad and we were swimming along the beach banks, but it looked like a underwater cave like in club penguin but it wasn’t a cave it was the beach shore filled with shells and jewels and sea glass and random assortment of things (I remember distinctly picking up a picture frame and a floor tile piece to be specific) and me and my sister were searching for things. I went around to the other side of the coral reef jewel thing and found a key chain, the skull medallion from Pirates of the Caribbean and a really pretty pink spiral shell like this 🐚 but it was broken and skinnier. Then I went back to where my sister was underneath this tarp like thing that was over the ocean but attached to the shore (on the shore was a theatre/restaurant that had the tarp thing extended into the ocean.. anyways continue) we went under the tarp thing to swim and there was this ledge/billboard banner thing my sister dared me to jump off of so I did and every time I jumped and hit the bottom I was able to bounce up and jump out of the water and hit the top of the ceiling (tarp ceiling) and during the last dive in I remember looking at the bottom for more shells and I found a sticker book in perfect condition (how it was in perfect condition underwater? I don’t know it’s my imagination?) but anyways swam to the top showed my mom and stepdad my sticker book, and last part I remember is my mom telling me we have to be on this cruise for four days and me freaking out because I only got the one day off from my job so I would have to call them and tell them I wasn’t coming to work the next four days. The end.