Possessed brother, spooky doll, and an army of spiders

Date: 11/3/2019

By natassja666

In my dream I was a little girl who was a part of this family. We lived in this nice big house, and I had an older brother and sister. We were each given one new toy. I can’t remember what toys my siblings received but mine was a little plastic doll. She was completely naked, and her skin was milk white. She had short black hair with bangs, red bloody eyes and eyelids that could blink open or closed. Everyone in my family was dissing her and saying how creepy she was but I instantly loved her with my whole heart. The doll began speaking to me telepathically. She was warning me that the toy my brother received was evil and that it was taking over his mind and that I had to kill him. Nothing seemed wrong with my brother, but the doll itself kept moving by itself and I kept finding her with big knives. I felt like it was the doll who was evil and not my brother. But then in the middle of the night, my brother came into my bedroom rambling and acting crazy. I was trying to calm him down but he grabbed me and forcefully held me down and began raping me. My doll came over with a knife and stabbed him and when he went to grab the doll and throw her across the room I was able to run away. I was screaming and my dad came. My dad was my father in real life and just like in real life he was extremely intoxicated. I told him there was something wrong with my brother, that he had gone mad and was trying to hurt me. My dad said he’d go talk to him and before I could say anything more he was headed to my brothers bedroom. Moments later I heard my father screaming out in pain and it was very clear he was being murdered. My sister rushed out of her bedroom and I quickly pulled her into mine. I picked my doll off of the floor and asked her if there was anything I could do to get my brother back without hurting him. She slowly turned her head back and forth and it made a loud creaking sound. Suddenly there was a knock on the front door downstairs. My sister and I both rushed down as quickly as we could, hoping it was someone who could help us. I opened the door and it was my brothers chubby best friend. “My brother has gone insane! You need to help us” I pleaded. I began frantically searching for a knife, but all the big sharp knives were already missing. He took a knife but I didn’t think it would help him much and I was terrified. The doll spoke to me telepathically again and told me my brother had taken over his friends brain and made him evil to. I asked if there was any way she could get us up, backup of some kind. She slowly creaked her head up and down, and instantly there were multiple knocks at the door. I opened it and there were thousands of spiders. Tiny ones, tarantulas, and giant spider-like monsters. The doll warned me my brother also had backup coming. She told me he had wolves.