Funky birth mark

Date: 6/9/2021

By SadieNightyNight

The zombie is apocalypse happened and I was the only on unaffected by it. So I hid in a truck with this other girl and we stayed there for a long time. It was our secret hide out until on day some people discovered our area. Eventually they saw us so we went to sneak into the old abandoned ware house with a broken roof and covered in rust. Eventually we got it all cleaned up and it looked really nice in there. And soon slowly we started inviting more people into our house. But one day all the people I cared about which was the friend from the beginning 3 boys and 2 girls got sick with the virus. So I got fed up and stormed outside to find the cause which was actually this girl with a birthmark on her face. And so we were fighting and I ended up slashing her throat which caused her to admit defeat and make everyone normal again. And she did this my swiping her birthmark which like moved away. But anyways everyone was fixed so yay