Butlins and Debbie Foley

Date: 1/28/2021

By Machman

I found myself at some sort of weird holiday park like Butlins. It was over crowded because (I believe) of the enforced travel restrictions due to Covid. Everybody was converging on a grass verge next to a tree lined road. I think this is where everyone was to sleep and we all had sun loungers to lie on. Through the trees in the distance was a massive screen on which a movie was about to start. As it started a big crowd gathered between the trees and the road blocking our view of the screen. My dad was next to me and I said to him "Fuck sake. £200 and all we get is a sun lounger and a movie we can't even see". The scene changes and I am now sitting next to a girl I went to Primary School with but haven't seen since (although a friend of mine recently pointed me in the direction of her Facebook page - she now lives in Canada). It was like we were acting out a scene for a play or a movie where we had to kiss. So she kisses me but it ends up a proper snogging session with tongues, the lot. I then find myself talking to her, she is sitting on a set of stairs and I ask her if she wanted to go out with me. Unfortunately she has to return to Canada that very same day so our little "fling" was cut very short.