Date: 7/11/2018
By 2na
I was at a beach in china and it was really pretty. The water was looking like blue Gatorade man. So I’m in my bikini walking along the beach and dipping my feet in the water. I notice a baby manta ray and stare at it. Right next to me was a little girl playing with the sand. As the water rose the manta ray went on my feet and I freak out because I’m not sure if it’s a manta ray or sting ray. The manta ray practically sticks on my skin so I pick it off and throw it back in the water. This time I sit down on the beach enjoying myself. The manta ray washes back on the shore but this time it’s next to the little girl so I’m like “whatever”. The little girl says it likes me and throws it on my lap. I freak the hell out and stand up. Yeah lol I’m just tying to enjoy myself but whatever