Cute Disney mushroom movie, that’s apparently not real

Date: 1/4/2020

By ItsABlackCat

The dream started with this little story that was like a Disney film. It was animated in my head, and it was so cute too! I remember thinking it was an old classic Disney movie like Bambi, that even people like GameTheory had made theories on it and whatever, like everyone knew about it. The story went like this: The scene opens on a view of a beautiful green (animated) forest. It moves over to this hill that curves up slowly to a cliff edge, getting skinnier near the top and dropping off to a large lake before it could slope back down. The hill is covered in lush grass, bright green, with one or two old gnarled oak trees on the cliff. And as the camera zooms in, you see it- a tiny blue mushroom. It had a white stem with a white underneath, and a royal blue speckled top. This may sound a little weird but when you looked at that tiny mushroom you thought ‘aww!’ Like it was just adorable- the colors, the shape, the size, all of it. Then you hear a narrator’s voice come in. A guy with that deep, rumbling tone you always hear. “Once upon a time, there was a beautiful forest. And in this forest, there was a little mushroom. He did not know it yet, but his name was Ezra- Ezra the Blue, to be exact. And he was about to experience the most wondrous adventure of his life...” The scene changed and a strange wind blew through. It was slightly sparkly and tinted almost a light cyan color, and it blew the trees in swirls. You could hear it, ‘whooooosh,’ like in all animated films when wind blows. When the wind passed through the area with the mushroom in it, things changed. There was a magical sparkly sound playing in the background, and some excited and magical music. The grass turned to a light blue, and the trees’ trunks changed to look rubbery and all smooth, and white. The leaves merged and the trees became giant, strange mushrooms. All around mushrooms sprouted, each different but a lot of them similar to Ezra. Except all of them were lighter shades of blue. Ezra stood out, he was the darkest, and the smallest. (I think it’s important to note that Ezra was just a regular mushroom for now. He didn’t have a face or anything, no personificational-type eyes or whatnot.) At the edge of a cliff a large purple mushroom sprouted, looking like Ezra but fatter and of course purple instead of blue. This one had white spots as well, though bigger than Ezras. The focus panned out to show the audience the entire forest; there was the magical mushroom wind spreading, but slowing to a halt, in a little circular section of the forest, like a weird mushroom oasis in a regular (but huge) forest. The cliff, and more importantly, Ezra, was in the very center of this oasis. Then, the focus went back to Ezra, who was still a regular mushroom. The magical music grew and swelled to it’s climax, but somehow the notes themselves became shorter and more mysterious; and then Ezra wiggled. His stem shifted just a bit, like he was stretching. A pause. Then he stretched again, this time more upwards and way more obvious. And then he stretched again, and wiggled back and forth, all animated with little rubbery-stretching noises. You know the noises, when an animated character has something stuck and they’re trying to pull it out, and it sounds almost like when you’re rubbing a ballon- that rubbery stretching sound? That’s the sound you heard then. Ezra wiggled and squirmed downwards, like he was hunching down, preparing to jump... And then with a ‘pop!’ he pulled up from the ground. There weren’t any roots or anything, the bottom of his stem was perfectly rounded and like the same size as it was before, which was possible only because it was animated. He still didn’t have a face or any other features, he looked like a normal (if not cute) mushroom, but he was obviously alive now. The mushroom head swiveled all around, as if Ezra was looking around at his home. Then he contracted again, and then came back up, jumping up and forwards. He did it again, hopping instead of walking, since obviously he had no limbs. The other mushrooms seemed less animated, they were wiggling and moving around but calmer, and they seemed to have less personality than Ezra. In fact, you almost would’ve thought they were regular mushrooms, except that same ‘pop!’ noise echoed around as they each came up from the ground and huddled together around the two mushroom trees. Ezra, though, was alone- not that he seemed to mind. He didn’t swarm together and huddle around the trees like the other mushrooms did- he hopped over and started exploring. This cute little music was playing in the background now, exactly like something you’d hear from Bambi when Bambi was still exploring as a little fawn, or when he was trying to walk. Then, just as Ezra was approaching the end of the mushroom-oasis, you heard a ‘plop’ noise of another mushroom coming up behind him. The view turned around with Ezra to see the giant purple mushroom looking at him. Ezra hopped curiously over and the large purple mushroom huddled down to him, seemingly giving him a hug. The view changed again and you were positioned on the very edge of the oasis. You saw Ezra turn his head to look wistfully at the rest of the forest (where you were) before turning around and following the purple mushroom back towards the edge of the cliff, almost silhouetted against the setting sun. Then, the screen goes back for a second. You hear a weird noise that sounds like very quiet humming- it’s not loud or unsettling, it’s very subtle. It’s like what you’d hear from a crowd talking, if everyone talked by humming. (If that makes any sense.) The screen comes back into view but it’s blurry, then slowly it comes into focus like a camera lens does. You see Ezra huddled down, his head hunched forwards and almost touching the ground, bent over like he’s sleeping. His head rises and falls to a slow rhythm and you hear that little cartoon snoring noise, the kind the old people in animated movies make, that sounds like a whistling noise between your teeth. The purple mushroom hops into view, looking somewhat irritated, making those bouncy ‘plop’ noises in the grass as it walks. It makes that weird humming noise again and subtitles appear, letting you know that those subtle hums are the mushroom talking. It ‘says’, “Ezra, wake up! We have work to do!” Ezra’s head rises sleepily and he stretches. Then, with the camera on him, he ‘says’ “sorry, mama. I was just having a cool dream.” It’s very obvious that the humming is different for each mushroom: Purple Mushroom’s humming is kind of lower-pitched, like obviously a woman’s voice, but deep, and more calm. Ezra’s humming is higher-pitched, not irritating or anything, just more excited-sounding, like a child’s hum; it’s a genderless voice, it sounds politely cute and it’s not squeaky or anything. It matches Ezra’s appearance very well. The purple mushroom- or ‘mama’ as Ezra called her- hops angrily. “You and those silly dreams, Ezra! We have to work, come on.” She hops off and Ezra follows her. They’re by the edge of the cliff, next to a mushroom tree, which is apparently where they sleep. The camera follows and you see all of the mushrooms spreading throughout the forest, crossing into the regular greenery to do their jobs. A few mushrooms settle themselves on a dead tree log, and start wiggling back and forth. The log crumbles inwards a bit and you hear those same ‘pop!’ noises and weird rubbery-stretching noises from the beginning. They hum at each other in casual conversation, subtitles appearing to show small talk and such. Ezra and his mama pass by, and once in focus the audience’s view follows them. Ezra hums, asking, “mama, where are we going this time?” Mama answers by humming, “we have a special job today, Ezra. Today, we’re going to the Edge of the Forest.” Ezra bounces excitedly and hops forward quickly, surpassing his mom’s lead like an energetic child. “The Edge of the Forest! Do you think we’ll see any humans, mama?” Ezra hums. Ezra’s mama lets out a hum that wiggles, and it literally sounds like the hummed version of a laugh, kind of like ‘hm-hm-hm,’ but even though the mushrooms don’t have faces you can HEAR the smile when mama hums. (The subtitles say ‘[laughing]’ but you don’t need them to tell she’s laughing. It’s pretty cool.) “No, dear, let’s hope we don’t. Humans are cruel, and they’ll gobble you right up!” Mama says. As she says that last part she hops forward playfully, and Ezra and her both hum in laughter as she appears to tickle and play with him. Then, the forest seems to end. The trees thin out and you come to the edge of a large river; on the other side of the river you can see a city, although it’s more of a medieval city than a modern one- there’s no towering glass buildings or chimneys puffing black smoke, just stone and wood intricately forming little houses. The biggest building seems to be a clock tower, though from the distance it’s hard to see. Ezra hums in an awed sort of way. “Wow, is that where the humans live, mama?” he hums. “Yes, dear. But take heed: humans kill our trees and steal the earth to make their funny homes and toys. Be careful of their evil, or they will steal you too.” Ezra and his mama look over at the human city for a beat longer. Then mama hums sadly, saying, “come, little one. We have much work to do.” Ezra continues to look up at the city as his mother turns and hops over to the river, and the focus zooms in on him to show him in awe. If he had a face you can tell he’d be going, “woah...” Then he turns and hops hurriedly after his mama. They come up to a log sitting on the edge of the river, which is dying. Mama hops on and starts wiggling and making those noises, and Ezra hops on after her. He nearly falls off into the river, a short dramatic riff plays and then he manages to right himself. Mama hums scared-like when he goes to fall and when he rights himself she hums, “Ezra, dear, be careful!” Ezra hums back, “sorry, mama, I just lost my balance that’s all...” He squirms into the wood and begins to decay it, making those sounds, and then mama hops off. She hums, “we have a lot of work to do today, Ezra. Do you mind if I go and work on another log?” Ezra hums, “yeah, mama, I got this one on my own!” Mama hums/laughs and hops off, and then the camera focuses on Ezra. Some cheeky music plays and the focus switches so that you can see past Ezra into a small clearing right next to the river. Suddenly, you hear human laughter. Ezra gasps and freezes. A human girl and boy round the corner. The girl is animated kind of like Gibli-style, she has short blonde pigtails and she’s maybe seven or eight years old. The boy, who seems to be chasing her in a game of tag or something, has the same light blonde hair, and he seems to be the same age. They could probably be twins. The girl yells something in her childish voice like, “you’ll never catch me!” and the boy responds (in an equally childish voice), “oh yeah, wanna bet!” They laugh and the boy chases the girl around trees, and back into the clearing. Ezra is shaking a little bit, and he’s humming nervously. Then the girl comes right over to Ezra. She leaps onto the log he’s on, which goes out over the water. Then she leaps off. The wood just barely holds her weight. Then the boy comes after her, running in the same spot. He is not so lucky. The wood snaps underneath of him; Ezra manages to stay on the lucky half of the log with no injury, but the boy is impaled by the log when it snaps. He doesn’t fall into the river, but for a second it seems like he will- then his sister calls, “Alex!” and rushes forward to grab the back of his shirt. She manages to catch her brother and heaves him back onto land, but he’s not doing to hot. You don’t see too much because it’s a Disney movie, but the boy is clutching his stomach. When he weakly moves his hand away, you see dark patches of blood, quickly growing out across his shirt. “Willis, Willis,” the girl cries, “don’t die, please don’t die!” Tears drip down her face and you see her crying over her brother, who’s face is tired-looking. He is grimacing, but obviously growing weaker. He tried to speak but his voice comes out hoarse and whispered; instead of words he lets out an unpleasant cough, and blood drips down from his mouth. He’s dying. “Help, somebody help!” the girl cries. “Anybody, please! Help!” Ezra hums sadly and confusedly, and looks at the girl. He seems torn for a second. “Help, anybody, please...” the girl whispers. “My brother, he’s dying...” The girl’s words seem to change Ezra’s mind, and he hops over to the girl. She seems surprised to see him, but not scared. “Who are you?” she sniffles. Ezra hums. “I am Ezra.” “Can you help my brother?” the girl asks. Ezra hops timidly over to the dying boy. In comparison he seems minuscule. Then, something happens- Ezra leans his head down and touches the boy’s palm. Immediately the blood starts to contract, shrinking back to where it came from. The blood falls from his mouth, leaving nothing in it’s trail, basically disappearing. And where his shirt was torn, white patches grow over top, in what seems to be mushroom-like growths spreading their long pale fingers across in a tight net to patch everything up. Ezra himself glows, and he seems to be jerked up a little. The bottom of his stem grows and little roots extend down into the boy’s hand; magical music plays in the background. Then, a flash of light. When the world comes back into view, the boy is flexing his hand. It is good as new, no sign of Ezra anywhere. He looks down at his stomach in surprise and finds that he is all fixed up. His sister laughs and hugs him, and says, “Willis!” The boy, Willis, slowly gets up, and brushes himself off. When he looks up at his sister, you get a good look at his eyes. Before, they were both dark brown. Now one of them is royal blue, with white grid-like spots- the same as Ezra’s head was. The boy blinks. “Wait, Claire... what happened?” he asks. “You we’re dying, but then this small mushroom came and saved you,” Claire responds happily. “What happened to it?” asks the boy. As if in response, you hear a light hum. It’s Ezra’s hum. Except it seems to come from within the boy. At the boy’s feet, several mushrooms start sprouting from the ground. They’re either plain white-heads or plain royal-blue heads- none of them are spotted like Ezra. But they seem to be from Ezra somehow. “What...” murmurs Willis. Ezra hums again, and the camera zooms into the boy’s eye- once you get to the pupil it spins and suddenly you’re in Willis’s mind. In there you see Willis, dressed in all white, with two brown eyes, and you see Ezra. Ezra is being held by the boy. “Free me,” Ezra hums. The boy seems to understand, but he is still confused. “How do I free you?” the boy asks. “I suppose I will need a body of my own, since I used mine to fix you,” Ezra hums. “And everyone knows that things are made anew from old.” Willis tilts his head. “What do you mean?” “Well,” Ezra hums in reply, “just find me something in death, and in it I will find my life. The cycle.” The boy nods, although he still seems slightly confused. Then the camera zooms back out and the boy stumbles back a bit. “Willis? What happened, are you okay?” Claire asks. “Yeah, I... I think I saw the mushroom,” Willis mutters. His one discolored eye doesn’t blink when he does. “What did you see?” she asks in a hushed voice. Willis grabs his head and winces. “I need... to find something that’s dying,” he says. “The mushroom told me that it needs it’s own body, since it used it’s old one to fix me.” “We need something dead?” the girl asks, slightly put off. “Yeah.” The girl looks up and scratches her head, thinking. “I think... maybe I saw a dead bird, on the way here,” she says slowly. “That’s probably gone by now,” Willis says. “Yeah... well, what about the cemetery?” Willis seems surprised by her suggestion, but he considers it. All the while, only his normal eye blinks. Finally he says, “yeah, I guess that would work. I mean, it’s not like those people are using their bodies.” Claire nods excitedly, then skips ahead, grabbing Willis’s hand. “Come on, come on, this is so exciting!” she squeals happily. “This is going to be an adventure!” Willis laughs along with her and together they run back into the city. Now, the camera pans out as you follow them, so you get a good look at everything. They run back through the field and crisscross through forest and thick grass clearings, until they reach a part of the river where it’s super thin. There’s a bunch of rickety looking wooden planks set across the gap in a makeshift bridge. “One at a time, remember,” Willis says, and Claire says “Yeah I know.” Claire goes first, stepping carefully but going kind of quickly at the same time. When she gets to the other side she continues on without Willis, running past some trees and a long row of buildings. The talk of a crowd of people can be heard from far off, mingling with the river’s gurgling. Then Willis goes, and although he’s more deliberate with his steps, he also seems more scared. “Come on, Willis, hurry up!” Claire calls impatiently. “I’m coming, just give me a second...” Willis stares down at the river and it zooms in and out, making the view wobbly, and the river seems harsher from his perspective. His eyes grow wide and then he squeezes them shut. “Don’t look down,” he mutters to himself, and opens his eyes again to stare straight ahead. He takes a deep breath and runs towards the beginning of the city without looking- and his foot slips. He starts to call out, going “woaaah!” but then, the camera quickly pans down. The same blue-only and white-only mushrooms pop up by his legs, pushing him forwards and back onto his feet. They grow quickly and some are pretty big, they sprout from the exposed side of the river but move outwards to almost catch him and push him. It’s like the mushrooms that grow for Oddmar, if anyone’s every played that game. He stumbles back onto dry land and his sister runs back around the corner. “Willis!” she demands. “Coming!” he calls. He turns to give the mushrooms one last look before he leaves, but they’re already shrinking back into the ground. After a short pause he turns and runs after his sister, calling “wait up!” The scene changes and you see them both running through the dirt streets, passing by busy stalls of people selling fruits, vegetables, bread, raw meat, cloth, string, and other various goods. It’s loud and reminds me of any typical scene in a city in medieval times. Occasionally you catch a few words of one of the people at the stalls- “Cabbages, get yer cabbages! A penny a pound, it’s a great deal!” “Best meat in all of the city, Deckland’s meat!” “News here, read the latest news right here!” The siblings seem to be well-known around the city, as they take turns and go through shortcut alleys and hop across rooftops like they know their way pretty well. Not to mention several people call out to them as they run- an old woman hanging clothes out on a clothesline laughs as they cut through her yard, saying “hello, Willis, Claire!” They call back quickly “hey Mrs. Kate,” “good to see you Kate!” They pass by a man selling bread who shakes his fist at them and says “you two are always causing trouble!” when they leap through his stall to get to a back alley, but they just yell back “sorry, Mr. Lee!” and “pardon, sir!” They eventually arrive, kind of breathless, at the edge of the city. There’s a small and sad looking graveyard, with little unorganized graves spotting the dried out field in random spots. There are more forests and fields surrounding the cemetery, and behind it there’s the backs of the buildings the kids just came from. Willis walks up to the smallest gravestone and puts his hand into the dirt. “What now?” asks Claire. “I don’t kn-“ The boy begins his sentence, but is interrupted by a humming sound. It increases in volume very quickly and eventually, it’s joined by a chorus of other humming- the same voice, different notes. It starts as a melancholy, minor chord but one note changes and makes it turn major, right as the boy’s hand glows. The light seems to seep into the soft grave dirt, and the long, white tendril-like roots of a mushroom emerge from the boys’ fingertips and palm, and bury themselves in the dirt. He grabs at his arm with his other hand, but seems unable to move it. His hair is blown back by a gust of wind coming from the mushroom roots. The tendrils dig in for a while and dive deeper until finally they’re all out of the boy, and he stumbles back. His eyes are normal again, with the exception of one small blue speck in his one eye. Then, the grave dirt shifts. You hear a muffled voice from beneath the dirt and Claire gasps. “Someone’s under, we need to help them!” she says. She and Willis quickly go over and dig up the dirt. A hand pops up, very pale, especially in comparison to the kid’s sun kissed skin. They grab the hand and pull, and a boy about their age comes up. He literally looks like Ezra in human form. He has pale white skin, smooth and creamy, with the biggest, bluest eyes you’ve ever seen- the exact color of his head from before, with little white-webbed streaks, like Willis’s weird eye used to look like. His hair is so blonde it’s basically white, with streaks of that same blue running through once or twice. He has a small nose and small ears, and a cute but mystical face- he seems strangely mature and powerful for a child, yet he’s obviously a child. He wears simple clothing, the same as the other kids, and he seems kind of averagely built for a kid. His feet are big, like puppies’ feet always are, and he wears big shoes that are somehow already scuffed. “Hello,” he says in a voice that’s the same as his humming. He’s soft-spoken and gentle, although bright and cheery seeming. “Are you that mushroom?” Claire asks with big eyes. “I am Ezra,” Ezra responds simply. “Thanks for earlier,” Willis injects. “For, you know, saving my life.” “I did what I was in the position to do- why wouldn’t I if I could?” Ezra responds. Willis and Claire seem kind of confused, but Claire laughs and says “you should be our friend! We can take you home and you can sleepover!” Ezra tilts his head. “Sleepover?” “You know— When you sleep at your friends’ house for fun?” Claire says. “Oh.” Ezra replies simply. Claire giggles again and grabs Ezra’s hand, pulling him towards her house. A bunch of scenes follow with Ezra learning about human life from the two kids. They teach him that people need to drink water and eat food to live, and they manage to steal a whole blueberry pie for him- “blue like your eyes, so you HAVE to like it!” Claire exclaims -and when Ezra takes the first bite of the pie his eyes light up and sparkle and his face says it all. He says “mmmMMM,” and after a few seconds he states, “this is delightful!” and digs in. He also has trouble understanding punishment, and how adults are so much more in charge- he asks what the kids do for work and they just look at him quizzically- and when he sleeps, his dreams are even more vivid. He wakes up but instead of yelling at him for dreaming, the kids talk about their dreams and ask him about his. He seems to be happy about that, and you can tell he enjoys being human. Then he goes to the forest with the kids, and there you see a bunch of people fighting. There’s a giant beast of the forest, which looks like a ten-foot boar with yellow eyes, and a bunch of men are fighting it. They have spears, swords and crossbows, and are shouting. One man is bleeding but is still up and swinging, and they all seem very trained and elite, like they know what they’re doing. They leap forward and slash at it but this thing’s strong. “Look, there they are!” Claire tells them, leading Ezra to a tree where they can watch the fight from afar. “What are they doing?” Ezra asks, horrified. “Those are the hunters in our village, they hunt down the evil beasts of the forest and kill them!” Willis pipes in. “That is no beast,” Ezra says, “that is a creature like you or me. She is a boar, and she is frightened.” “But she’s so big and scary, and she’s hurting the hunters, how the heck is she NOT a beast?” Claire asks Ezra. Ezra points at the river. “See the line that divides our homes? The forest is hers, and the city is yours. Coming over here with strange weapons and tools, to kill our trees, that is the true evil. It is the boar who is defending herself, trying to be the hero. Not your ‘hunters.’” Willis frowns. “Then we need to stop them! Someone’s going to get hurt. What do we do, Ezra?” Ezra stands up. “Stay here.” Ezra runs over to the fight with surprising speed and elegance for a child, bending slightly forwards and keeping a neutral expression. He comes up to the men and says, “stand back, men.” One of the men yells, “get back kid, this is a man’s fight!” Another calls roughly, “what the hell do you think you’re doin, get outta here!” One man steps towards Ezra and places a hand on his shoulder, but Ezra lifts his hand, and in response white mushroom roots curl up from the ground under Ezra’s feet and wrap around the man’s hand, pushing him away. The man says “what the-“ before he’s forced back, sent flying by Ezra. The other men mutter wildly and step away, and Ezra moves towards the wild beast/boar. “I’m sorry,” he murmurs. “It’s me, and these men will leave as I say. I promise.” He holds out a hand and moves his other hand down, palm facing the ground. White roots grow again, this time securing themselves around his feet and lifting him up, acting like weird stilts. Ezra rises into the air, supported by the mushroom roots, until he’s face-to-face with the boar. Then he puts a hand on the boar’s snout. The boar closes it’s eyes gently and lets out a soft snort, seemingly docile now. Ezra slowly lowers himself down and the roots curl back into the ground, disappearing. Then he turns and tells the men, “leave, and do not presume to return. Your fighting is done- leave her be.” The men leave without question, looking at him weirdly. “Okay, whatever you say, kid...” one man mutters under his breath. “Yeesh, just tryna do our jobs, don’t hurt us, man...” another mumbles. Ezra watches them go with that same neutral, innocent expression. Then Claire and Willis approach him. “That was awesome!” Claire says. Ezra smiles. The dream skips forward as Ezra basically talks to the kids about his past and how he used to be a mushroom without feeling, thought or intelligence, about his creation and his mama- when he mentions his mama he gets sad and misses her. The kids talk about their pasts. Then Ezra starts getting weird problems. First, he starts remembering small things that aren’t his own to remember. He remembers having a mom- a human mom, with brown hair and a loving smile. Then he remembers the piano, and playing it. He realizes that, although the boy he’s possessing is dead, he still retains some part of his brain, and as a result some of his memories. Ezra asks about a piano and the kids take him to a piano in the woods, which they claim has been there ‘since forever’ and ‘not used once’ since they’ve seen it. Ezra approaches it and recognizes it from the boy’s memory. He sits down and his body knows how to play. He plays an advanced song, something impressive especially for a kid, and it’s quite pretty. He has a mixture of feelings- he misses his own mama, and his body, but he kind of likes being human. He’s sad that he’s away from home but has always wanted the adventure too, and he enjoys the city. He likes these kids but doesn’t like some other humans. He wants both lives but can only choose one, and for all he knows he could be stuck as a human boy. Even worse, he might be mortal. Time used to be an illusion- nonexistent for him, as a mushroom. But now it was all too real. Then the dream ended but I woke up thinking this was a real movie. I have no idea where it came from but I could’ve sworn I’ve seen this movie, watched theories on it and the deeper meanings in it, I mean I could even swear I’ve read articles about whether or not it’s “appropriate for kids” and whatever.