Strange kitten and plant

Date: 5/15/2020

By Rainbowinsight

A very strange dream; We were pushing this coffin out onto the water somewhere like a beach the water was quite flat and the coffin floated out a long way I thought that was it gone and over but then the sea brought it back to the shore. Then some how there was a scrawny mange bedraggled looking kitten inside. I was trying to decide what to do with this kitten so kept it in a clear plastic box for a while. I thought I would give it some dog roll I had in the fridge but when I got back there was a cat roll there next to it. I decided to take it somewhere in this beat up old convertible car. The soft top was falling apart. I balanced the box on the roof while I opened the boot but the box fell through. When I looked at the kitten it was covered with cockroaches, I was thinking how do I get them off it I tried blowing at them but that didn’t work. I then had a bunch of grapes in my hand but cockroaches were on them too I threw them down on the floor of the car and immediately a whole line of them scurried to where the kitten was it was hopeless trying to save it.😢 After this happened I saw a small pot plant tied to the back of the inside of the boot. I untied it it was about the length of my forearm in height and had dark small leaves I said to my friend I wonder what kind of plant it is then I saw a label in the pot I pulled it out and read it it said Lim basil🤔🤔🤔🤔