Date: 3/30/2021
By Sssmorgann
Walking from end of driveway through woods. There were a ton of ~10 foot pine trees, and the needles were bright neon green. I was running and skipping and spinning from tree to tree touching all of them. Austin was trailing behind me somewhere. Got to a clearing and decided to eat. We had a picnic setup, but for some reason I was really alert suddenly. I scanned the woods and saw a cougar (mountain lion) on the edge of the woods with something in her mouth. I think it was a honeycomb? It was orangish and about the size of a hand. She started coming from the woods toward us and the driveway. She kept circling back to our picnic area like she was trying to get something. I had my arms up high, waving to make myself look bigger, and I was facing her and yelling at her to make sure she knew I'd seen her so she would give up since she lost the element of the surprise. I had the idea to make sounds like a crow alarm call, just to make sure she knew she was seen. I was trying to get Austin to do it too but he wouldn't. Eventually she crossed the driveway and left.