Series of dreams

Date: 1/16/2021

By twilson37

Series of weird dreams Affair with neighbor who looked like Bryan Cranston He’s belittling me in some way, pissing me off. How would you like your wife to find out asshole? Zoo? Trying to get cow to climb to climb up hill Feel like I was herding it to slaughter Realized it was way too young Cute little clumsy cow Couldn’t climb the hill Then it became an alligator? There was a lady that was mad at me I wasn’t supposed to have that animal out Wanted me to return it to its pen She’s showing me how to hold it so it doesn’t bite me Then She’s mad at me cause I’m like no! I’m not touching that animal Walked several miles to get dinner for everyone Came home and there’s an uninvited guest in my house. No one wants this person there. Having trouble getting him to leave. Squeezing a tiny black head and huge plug comes out. Leaves gaping crater in my body. At a thrift shop, there is a boy of about 8 to 10 looking at stuff. He wants something but can’t afford it. I want to give it to him, make him happy. ——- — - Been butting heads with my son IRL Went to bed angry last night I can see how some of these dreams might reflect those feelings The little boy - feeling like I’ve spoiled my son, always trying to give him what he wants, make him happy The alligator - I have raised a monster(narcissist ) that will bite me if I’m not careful The walk - I go to great lengths to take care of him The affair - I’m not appreciated , feeling angry, ready to take drastic punitive steps. The unwanted guest - I was thinking it’s time he move out last night before bed

AI generated interpretation In analyzing your dreams, it is important to consider the overarching themes and emotions that seem to be prevalent throughout each dream. Your dreams seem to be reflecting your current emotional turmoil and conflicts in your waking life, particularly in your relationship with your son. The affair with your neighbor who resembles Bryan Cranston might symbolize feelings of being belittled or unappreciated in some aspect of your life. The element of punishment or wanting to retaliate against the neighbor in the dream may suggest feelings of frustration and a desire to reclaim power or control in a situation where you feel wronged. The zoo setting with the cow turning into an alligator could be symbolic of feeling overwhelmed by a situation or relationship that you perceive as potentially harmful or dangerous. The struggle to control the animals and the conflict with the lady at the zoo may symbolize challenges in setting boundaries and dealing with difficult interpersonal dynamics. The uninvited guest in your house and the difficulty in getting them to leave may represent a desire for independence or autonomy, and a need to assert boundaries in your personal space. The act of squeezing the blackhead and the gaping crater left behind may symbolize feelings of unresolved emotional pain or issues that need to be addressed and released. The scene in the thrift shop with the young boy who wants something he can't afford, and your desire to make him happy, may reflect feelings of guilt or overcompensation in your relationships, particularly with your son. The references to feeling like you have raised a "monster" who may bite back if not handled carefully allude to tensions in your relationship with your son and fears of negative repercussions. Overall, these dreams seem to be reflecting your emotional conflicts and struggles in your relationship with your son, as well as feelings of frustration, unappreciation, and a need for autonomy and control in your life. It may be helpful to reflect on these dream symbols and consider how they relate to your waking life experiences and emotions, in order to gain insight and potentially address any underlying issues.