Some theme park

Date: 7/20/2019

By Snoozebear

My dream starts with me in line for the all new Jurassic World The Ride! It is just me and as I get to the boat,I was told by an employee that three more people were getting on the ride. As the people I see get on are two minions and my cousin witch we will call, Jb. So back to the story,the ride starts with the boat moving to a gate where the track enters a water slide with sharp turns and a stegosaurus standing on a rock moving. As we go down,we get splashed by a giant wave of water when I see a Carnataurus jump out and rawr and I saw light flash in front of me I then ended up having a ice cream cone in my hand and my other cousin,Cc we can call her,so she gave me a triangle box that had ice cream and I was confused cause I had ice cream already. So I ate the ice cream in the box and I see a Giant lagoon such thing with two brachiosaurus reaching out and doing their calls. Then it hits me than,the same light showed,faded and I was on a roller coaster going up and up and up hearing,Click,click,click,click. Than it dives down at a 60 degree angle with a large overbanking turn making me lean on the cart,and not to mention,I was the only one and the light shined on me then,faded to black,My eyes opened to the real world. The end