BUSMS dream #23

Date: 4/19/2019

By maziz96

Revue show which I was in. Almost felt like CWIPS have taken over this show, as the storylines were so weird! For all of the show, I was sitting on a high stool at the front of the stage to the left. At some point the lights of the audience came on, thinking it was an accident. One ballad like song was sung partly by a guy in front of me with his back to the audience. There was even a number where whips were involved! I even got whipped at some points by Jad as a cheerleader, supposedly his teammates doing acrobatics on stage. Also a little boy who was on the stage kept whipping me backstage, while we were waiting to come on. The audience was almost full and some people who appear to be from BUSMS were watching from the sides. Outside the stage, I was running and saw Dom B in a Toyota car who gave me an evil-ish smile, and past through a centre with an incomplete WWTBAM sign