Date: 2/26/2018
By nexus
I was hanging out with my best friend and I ended up falling asleep with just enough consciousness to astral project and I went to a lot of places, at first I'm creeping my way out of body then find myself in a weird location that I haven't been before, I touch the wall and slowly put my hand through the wall to confirm I'm out of body, I start flying far away and I want to go up towards the curvature of the earth though my vision gets a little foggy because I start thinking about my physical body, I get a couple of glimpses of the earth and then I'm back in my basement (still in astral form) I'm in a weird position half on the couch and half on the chair next to the couch. I go back into body then have a lucid dream...the lucid dream was me doing front flips and back flips in the middle of the street and I start flying again though only for a brief amount of time I then find myself back in my basement and I'm speaking to my best friend about something though I can't remember what it was about at all, the rest of the night was me tossing and turning trying to get comfortable but to no avail