Dot Cotton : Sprinter

Date: 1/31/2021

By Machman

I am walking along Kings Park Avenue close to where I lived as a child. I am walking alongside June Brown, the actress who plays Dot Cotton in that bloody awful soap opera Eastenders. Kings Park Avenue runs alongside a railway track and there is a train station called Croftfoot which was my local train station when I was living in that area. As we are walking along, I can hear a train coming from behind us heading in the direction of Glasgow Central. Suddenly Dot Cotton decides she is going to make a dash for it to catch yhe train. I try to keep up but she is too fast for me (this is a woman in her 90s who was, when I last saw her, still a bloody chain smoker). The wind picks up and is blowing really hard which is slowing me down even more. I try running backwards to see if that makes any difference. I get to the train platform as the train is pulling in and I notice Dot Cotton isn't Dot Cotton anymore. It is a man but I don't know who. He hangs back as the train doors open and people skip in ahead of him to get on the train carriage which starts filling up very quickly. I move towards him to get him on the train or else we won't get on at all. I woke up at this point.