Crazy, Gay Criminal Minds Shit???????

Date: 3/24/2017

By ksaspo

Ok here we go with the dream, as texted to Amy at like god knows what time in the a.m.: It starts out in an episode in season 4 or 5 or something. The team is Hotch, Rossi, Reid, Morgan, JJ, and Prentiss because dream team DUH. They are sent out to Alaska to find an unsub who is murdering people in a very small remote town. Garcia gets invited along because there is no technology so she gotta bring her own. When they get there the town is so small that the inn only has a few rooms so they have to share. (This is a real episode I'm not making anything up yet, btw) so the room assignments end up that Hotch and Reid have to room together. Its a queen bed and its cold in alaska so they have to share, No Homo(tm) (I'm not on mobile so you are welcome because otherwise the TM logo would be all over this story you know its my favorite humor mechanism.) ANYWAY they share the bed and go to sleep whatever. Reid is wearing like a t-shirt and boxers and Hotch is wearing like, a red Formal PJ shirt and pants lol it like buttons up and everything you know what I'm talking about? Like i don't know why but thats what he is sleeping in when he goes to bed BUT suddenly its the middle of the night and he is no longer wearing a shirt. (oh my!) ((ok omg this is gonna be a long story you asked for it)) anyway, Reid is having a nightmare (from being captured back in season 2 and given drugs because he was an addict obvi) and Hotch is all like "omg reid stop plz" but all like Hotch like, and he's like, holding him down because he is flailing and because reads arms are like 7 feet long so like imagine how crazy this looks but he ends up calming down and then he wakes up and hotch is like holding him ad so there is all this like, LOOKIN and watch other and a whole queen sized bed full of sexual tension, so they obviously kiss and then fade out (except not i know what happens and I'm making a gross face right now thats how i feel about it) ((oh and important detail for later - reid gets off but notch doesn't)) ((( you can judge me a little i don't blame you at this point))) So the next morning reid is all sleepy and like, omg did that happen? but Hotch has already woken up and gotten dressed (into a suit that is like his regular suit but it is nature colors because they are out in the woods a lot). So reid goes to work as per usual and Hotch is acting like nothing happened. Morgan notices Reid is weird but he just says he doesn't like the cold so he puts on another cardigan. (Later on, Garcia also asks him whats up so he puts on ANOTHER cardigan lol I'm hilarious) They go on hunting the unsub. In the episode I'm basing this off of, the unsub is like, this dude but in my dream it is a werewolf. They hunt him into the woods and then he sneaks up on reid. He changes into werewolf form just like Lupin did in HP lol like my brain basically just watched that exact cut scene lol. Reid however is not scared, and instead tries to reason with the beast. He puts down his gun and everything lol this dog is like gonna eat him and Reid is spitting out logic hahaha. So Hotch shows up and shoots him. Later on the jet everyone is sleepy and soft and reid is up making coffee for some reason. Hotch walks over and starts to like, reprimand him. Reid thinks its for drinking coffee at 1 am (I don't know why i know it is 1 am but it is definitely 1 am) and he is like "Hotch I don't know why you are mad at me?" and Hotch is like "You could have gotten yourself killed!" and then some more prolonged eye contact and then its all whispery because for some reason everyone is still asleep for this and Hotch is like "hey my b for like, taking advantage of you in your sleep lol yikes" ((I should note that i don't really hear anything in my dreams, the dialogue is like, understood? like i know vaguely what they are saying but i din't remember it as clearly as actions or visuals)) BUT Reid is like "ho ho, i'm not as innocent and native as ya think dingus" and pulls him into the jet's bathroom (which is like super big for an airplane bathroom) and then starts sucking the hell out of Hotch's DDDDDDDDDDDD and Hotch is like "omg wth" and Reid is like "I owe you one, Aaron" (they use first names when fuckin' each other because i dunno, i figure they're "there"...) ((also thats why its important that only reid came the first time daayymmm dream me has continuity whaaaatt????)) So after they do the do on the jet they all go home BUT MY DREAM DOESN'T STOP! part 2 coming up b, stay tuned (or you can tell me to stop if this isn't as amusing to you as it is to me lol) So the next part of the dream is a new case, and for the beginning of it, Hotch and Reid have not talked or addressed what happened. Reid goes into puppy dog mode all sad he can't just jump Hotch in the round table meeting but Hotch is a true professional and does not eye fuck his youngest agent during the case debriefing. Garcia introduces the case and its a case from an episode of Bones i once watched lol. There is a writer who went to a OCD/germaphobe help seminar thing and so Reid and morgan go to ask questions. While they are there Morgan is making fun of Reid for being slightly germaphobic (he never shakes hands with people) and so morgan like, touches reid on the shoulder and notices he flinches a little? and so for the rest of the "case" Morgan and garcia are like testing this theory and they start touching him more than usual and he gets fidgety and they're like "oh man we never realized Reid is so not handsy"and so they go to another place (the mom's house where they figure out the mom is OCD as well and she's the unsub but they don't know that) and everything is blue. Like everything, the whole inside of the house is like a gross baby blue. Reid starts to go towards a sound but Hotch puts his arm out and grabs him by the shoulder and Reid doesn't flinch once. (LOL like thats some big deal lol) but Morgan notices and he's like "hmm" So the catch the mother burring the latest victim (her son, isn't that sad) in the yard under a bird waterer. (wait what? like that pool for birds? on a pedestal? What are those again?) and they arrest him. Hotch is all hot and serious and Morgan notices Reid checking him out a lil (Reid is really horrible about hiding stuff apparently which like, what a dumb move for a genius huh?) so fast forward to later when they are celebrating this case at a bar. (i don't know why they would celebrate but like, they re at a bar so whatever) in my dream emily prentiss is wearing all leather and i am very very very sad dream me did not decide to follow that storyline, and instead decided to focus on these dumb homos. ((amy this is bad I'm not even like halfway done lol brace yourself)) Anyway, They are al having a good time and in my head it is like, a camera spanning around a round table where they are eating/drinking and laughing (which is such an episode closer thing to do) and reid and hotch are next to each other. Reid like, tries to make some form of emotional contact but Hotch is distant until Emily is like "Shots!!!!!" and gets everyone drunk. Her and morgan are trying to out drink each other and the girls are like, really smaller than morgan?? Like all three of them (JJ, Garcia, Emily) are like, trying to out drink Morgan who looks very big and its like that story where they tie up a giant? lol except he isn't THAT bit he is just significantly bigger. But it is good that they are being ridiculous because Hotch gets considerably drunk and is being very handsy with Reid who is A-OK with it. Rossi knows whats happening because in every criminal minds story involves Rossi being the Wise Grandpa Figure(TM) who floats in to give sage advice when needed. Reid ends up having to drive Hotch home (which Rossi facilitates because he is the opposite of a cock block apparently) and they end up at reid's house. They're basically all the fuck over each other all the way up to Reid's apartment. The elevator ride is like, signinfigant in my dream?? Like i can very vividly remember them making out and what they are wearing and everything??? I was watching them like i was watching a security camera too, thats weird. Anyway they get up to Reid's place and they obviously fuck. Thank god none of this is in real time. They get it on and then it is over quickly. The most vivid parts are right after they've had sex. (like I'm subconsciously way more into the regret and shame of afterwards than the actual sex.... lol jk) So the next morning they are like, spooning' n stuffs and Reid is like "This sin't just sex for me i'm like probably in love with you" and Hotch is like "I know" and Reid is like "What do we do?" and Hotch is like "Come hang out with Jack and I all day" So like there is a dreamy montage of Reid Hotch and Hotch's son all doing Gay Dad(TM) things together like, they go to a zoo and they see movies and they build forts and stuff and I think that is time passing because the next time they are on a case Emily has left the BAU. Hotch and reid are like, In love I guess and so they just keep it hidden at work. But Morgan hasn't forgotten about Reid's "crush" on Hotch. He and Garcia are still trying to get it out of him but Reid has gotten a lot better at hiding it. Suddenly they are at a bowling alley. (my dream starts to break in an out a lot at this point its like, one of the longer dreams i've had yet all of this for me seems like its lasted like, a minute dreams are so weird) and they are at this bowling alley when they run into a friend of Reid who knows Hotch as his GAY LOVER so they are like "oh yikes how do we explain this" and they falter but reid is just like "oh hey gotta go haha bye" and he slides away down one of the lanes. That does not satisfy our dynamic duo who are now wondering why this man knew hotch and reid but none of them. So that night Garcia calls reid who is like "uh, none of your business" as Hotch is like basically seconds from jumping him, so since Reid is distracted he FOGETS TO END THE PHONE CALL??? and Garcia definitely hears them having sex. (Thank god i don't have like, any sound to my dreams, like, i don't remember what it sounded like which is like a blessing because it helps me stay cool n' detached from the idea that i dreamed about two grown men i don't know having sex with each other repeatedly???) So now like, they know that they are fucking and morgan gets mad at hotch because he thinks he's like, taking advantage of reid and he is all bein big bro or something and now they are at the BAU and they all have guns? like i know they usually have guns but they are all like shooting at each other and screaming and then Rossi steps in to be like "lets just all be happy and fuck who we wanna?" and hotch is like "fine by me" and kisses reid and then they are all fine