Civilian Aircraft Dogfights over the City...

Date: 1/11/2020

By AJacobs

I dreamt a lot... But for some reason I'm having a hard time remembering most of it. The one part I definitely remember is the flying part. There were parts at cabins in the woods, and a lot of it in a large city. We were flying around in small, 2 or 4 seater civilian aircraft with twin jet engines on the wings or tail... and somehow machine guns as well... They were like Beechcraft Bonanza. Amusingly there was a point while flying where I thought, 'wait, shouldn't these things have a piston engine and propeller on the nose?' Then I looked to the side and saw a jet engine on the wing (or tail). There was flying around highrises and pushing the stalling and turn rate characteristics to the max. All on this bright and clear sunny day. I flew with another guy in the cockpit, and he was asking for the other craft to please respond and do something so we wouldn't have to engage... but engage we had to... I know there was story to this, and it wasn't all in a plane but I have forgotten that already...