Date: 4/23/2019
By elucyd
Our family lived in an enormous new house surrounded by other giant houses. It felt later like it was still located on ash canyon. Items and things got haunted at our house. I went to Walmart mart and there were peddlers selling pets in the aisles. This small fluffy curly haired white dog was cool, but I was drawn to these performing rabbits. They looked abused and stressed. I ended up choosing the first performer. A little black rabbit that seemingly died while I saw the brown hare perform frantically. It was thin and flat when I picked it up, but it still breathed. I told the guy I would take him and asked for a cage. I couldn’t find another after searching the aisles so I ended up taking the same one I asked for when he was gone. The pets were $25 each. I was actually excited for the house to possess the rabbit and perhaps give it some additional spunk or healing. It had either made the object good or bad. We tried trapping the bad ones in the peripheries but used the good ones daily. Russel brand was there. I met him 5 mins before the show. He missed his last wife enormously Regan ans i we’re going to ride our bikes to Danielle’s house. It was a whole ordeal looking for them before we realized she wasn’t at varville anymore. This guy wanted to help us steal from the old richmonfbjoide