I had a baby šŸ˜¬

Date: 8/20/2019

By sarahlane

Probably one of the scariest dreams Iā€™ve had in that it seemed so real. I was pregnant in the dream (idk with who-i became a single mom) and decided to keep the baby. I canā€™t remember too much of the events of the dream but I remember the feeling I had. I loved my baby so much but often felt like my life wouldā€™ve been better for me if Iā€™d had an abortion. So Iā€™d be playing with him WHILE having these thoughts, which is scary. And makes me wonder how many first time parents in real life with or without a partner or support have these thoughts, even if just temporary. In my real life, I remember getting my dog for the first time in high school and I cried because I loved him so much when I first met him, but I also remember thinking about his inevitable death and all the responsibilities i would have now that he was in my life. Iā€™d wanted a dog for so long and now I had one finally and even though my outward appearance was of joy, I was doubting inside. Of course I got used to the responsibilities and adapted to him being in my life and I love the little turd. Heā€™s 6 or 7 now? Maybe thatā€™s what happens with new parents, you think ā€œwhat the hell have I done. I donā€™t think I really want thisā€ but then you just get used to it and they become part of you.