Tornado Nation

Date: 2/16/2017

By strengthener

My father and I were in the TV room watching Judge Judy, when the Baliff comes over and escorts Judge out of the courtroom, and the words "Stay Tuned for an Important Announcement" come on to the screen, in big, bold, silver letters. Somewhere before this announcement, I learned that Los Angeles has been placed in a state of Emergency after tornadoes became much more likely. (Did I read this on my phone?) I wasn't too worried about it, until the TV came on and the newscaster made the same declaration for New York City, which we were less than half an hour away from. I immediately go to my phone to see what is going on, but I can't find it. Scrambling to figure out what to do, I catch a glimpse out one of the windows to see the front view of our house, as if we are in the house across the street, or as if some elaborate mirror maze was set up outside. I call my dad over, and he can see the same thing, so I was sure I wasn't hallucinating. I knew our house hadn't been moved, so I remember wondering what was causing us to see our own house, and I thought that the wind was somehow blowing the light from the front of our house into the back window. Also, it was so dark that when I was looking up, I couldn't tell if the ceiling had been ripped off and I was looking at the night sky, or if I was looking at the ceiling. The only light that was on was in the Kitchen. Tornado sirens go off from the TV. I began thinking about getting my brother from upstairs. The winds are picking up and I can only turn in one direction because the winds are blowing too hard in the other direction, and begin to get incredibly dizzy, as I am frantically turning to try and find my phone. My father yells for us to get into the basement, but I said I needed to get my phone. I eventually fall onto the ground out of dizziness and I heard my father say he was sorry. I asked him "for what?" I knew he was yelling his answer to me, but I couldn't hear it. The sound of wind blowing surrounded me. I woke up.