Date: 1/13/2019
By angiebobandi
Multiple dreams in two nights. First night dreamt of my grandma. She told me she loves me and misses me and kissed my forehead. She looked exactly and sounded like she did. Second night had a dream I've always lived in this one neighborhood. Across the street was John Wayne Gacy's house. It was demolished but some black dude was restoring it. I wanted to go in really bad and I guess there was a party going on the next day. I went to the party and there was a huge rollercoaster in front yard. I rode it and sat next to Alex Jones and we all had a good time. I was like wow this is so weird. I ended up falling asleep at the house because I got drunk. The next morning I tried to leave but Alex stopped me and was trying to rape me. I was freaking out but managed to calm both of us down telling him I was sorry about what happened to him in his career and marriage and he let me go. I was excited to post on instagram that I was in the house but because I had that horrible experience, I didn't. Another dream I had to take care of the Gorilla. It was a nice animal but I would become more weary as the dream went on. In the beginning I tried keeping it out of the cage as possible but got too scared it would lose its shit and started keeping it in the cage. I felt really bad for it but my fear took over. Lastly had this dream where I got instagram messages through a bank tube. I hadn't checked the messages in a while but people gave me money and someone gave me bacon and cheese soup lol I was bragging about it on instagram story.