Date: 3/28/2018
By baburubān
My dream started off with me riding my bike at night... I was riding around and I was trying to find a certain destination. I don’t remember how I got to the place that I did, but I was then in a building kinda like Costco but it was for a specific company and only employees could go inside. I claimed that I was one of the workers there and told them my name. I was a spy and earlier I apparently hacked their mainframe and entered my name in. Anyway the lady at the desk gave me the uniform and I started to walk away. Another blonde lady came from behind a corner and started talking to the lady at the front desk, saying that people have hacked into the mainframe and don’t allow anyone else in. I started to get scared so I walked quicker, but no one pointed me out or asked questions. The uniform also kinda looked like a construction workers uniform but without the hat. The regular employee’s uniform was orange while mine was sort of a Salmon color, signifying that I was a higher up. I walked around for a while, and scanned the item I needed(it was something on the computer idk). I then walked into the back door, hoping to find the exit. Where I was now was kind of like an office hallway, with many doors. Each time I opened a door I’d find something new. A common theme was children... One door led me to a baby that would come running at me, but for some reason I’d get scared and close the door. Another door led me to a kids playroom, and the third door led me to another hallway with a stairway that went down. I recognized the stairway as one I had from another dream, so I knew it led to more children and I didn’t want to go down there. I went back to the original hallway and went through the last door. It led me to a kind, chubby asian girl who was very cute. I asked her for the exit, and she said she would try and help me open another door, but the computer system that unlocked it was needlessly complicated so I may need to be patient. The computer program was basically they had an orb on screen, and it would switch through various colors. You had to click the orb once it got to the correct color(in this case red), but you’d have to do it quickly or else you’d have to try again. After giving her a few minutes of trying, I got it on first try and opened the door. I thanked the cute girl and walked through. Once through the door, there was a gigantic stairway, and I saw the main boss of the company walking down. Me and him were huge enemies, so I wanted to avoid him as much as possible. I finally saw one of those maps on the wall that told you where you were and where everything else was, including the exit. The bad thing about this is that the bad guy was heading for the exit so I have to be careful trying to leave. I slowly walk down the stairs, and walk out the door to see him getting in his car. It’s still night, so he doesn’t see me. Then the cute asian girl from before comes up on a motorcycle, telling me to hop on. I do, and we drive away into the night. I made a successful mission and I get a really pretty girlfriend. 10/10