Date: 9/21/2019
By iishgenosisii
I was stalking this light yellow with white stripes. I was him negotiating with a man in my neighbor. The guy agreed to give the cat car insurance and would pick up his car next morning at 4AM. I when to my house garage. My mom told me what have I seen. I told her the cat was getting car insurance and she said fuck we need car insurance now. I left home to see the cat again. Isaw the cat leave and it saw the cat next to my house. The black cat sniffed the white cat’s ass and the white cat was backing up ,tail rising high, and forced the back cat to sniff its ass more. I took this opportunity to jump to the cat and I jumped really high and grabbed the cat and went into my garage ,squeezing the shit out of it so it doesn’t leave or scratch me. I told my mom “bring me a nife , the thick one and the small one”. I got a nife and started stabbing it. Two cars pulled up and my mom told me not to do it where people can see they will call animal protective services. I go to the backyard and make deep cuts. The cat talks to me it doesn’t say it can’t die or stay forever but it said something like I’m gonna come back you know. I started aggressively stabbing its head and eyes. It left the body there and went back to the garage. They people who pulled up wanted their makeup done by us (two men with dark skin). When we finished my mom drove us somewhere and I swear me and my little brother in the back of the car heard a ‘meow’. Then we came back home. I opened my laundry door into the house and saw that cat laying on the floor moving it’s tail. I grabbed it again and the nife, but this time it turned into a blues clues doll. I went to the backyard again but I heard and saw my uncle (thank god he didn’t see me). I panicked and went back into the garage. My mom came from the laundry door and I put the nife away. My family came from the other door that lead me to the backyard. I was cursing in my head. I put the doll behind me and greet my relatives like me mom told me to. When I was done I turned around the get the doll but it was gone. I went inside my house opening my room door to find my older brother in there shirtless. I was confused and he apologized. He left and I closed the door when I get in my room. I saw a smaller version of the clues clues doll with a little brown bone and grabbed it and laughed. But I realized this wasn’t the one I was looking for ,this was just my doll I owned on my drawers. I saw a red one near it and grabbed it but it wasn’t that one either. Then I saw the actual doll facing away from me and looking at the wall and grabbed it along with a piece of paper. I sighed and placed them on the floor. I was going to try to negotiate with the doll and become friends with it since will never die.