Weather balloon

Date: 3/23/2020

By oliviaellen

I’m in this mansion with a bunch of strangers and we’re all stuck inside til this virus goes away, we get along decently well and it’s nice to go through all of the things and find fun things to do. This mansion is one of these guys’ house, so we’re finding lots of memories of his and at one point I found a cook book that’s called ‘things to cook when you’re in the house for a long time’ and I was like 😐. Then, the weather takes a turn and it’s pouring and lightninging and the window are illuminated with the white light every ten seconds it seems. One guy offers up that his uncle has a safe house but we would have to drive to the storm to get to it, it wasn’t far though. We all agree it’s worth the risk so we begin driving this back road through the storm and in the distance I see cyclone clouds and i know what’s going to happen. 2 tornadoes touch down in the distance, and we’re all screaming and crying and suddenly, we’re in sunshine. We had accidentally driven onto a weather balloon, and we were now high above all the storms