Just a happy moment

Date: 11/1/2019

By iamMartinez!

I was going out for my usual jog and my wife decides to join me. We began through a long hallway that reminds me of my schools hall. Early on she was tired and I scolded her for not being able to keep up. After all, she works out too so what the hell. She refused to keep going so I decided to go on by myself making fun of her useless workout dance thing that she does. So I’m running and come out the hall way into what appears to be a festive day at a familiar beach with some kind of carnival. I run past the rides and through a park where some children are playing. Some staff personnel ask a child to stay in a certain part of the play ground and then I hear a crashing noise and commotion. A kid slammed his bike into the playground structure breaking his arm that already had a splint or a cast on it. I wave to a lifeguard near by to draw his attention and keep going. Right around the park there’s a road that runs along side the beach. I was gonna Run down that road to just enjoy the view but there were a lot of big rigs parked along the sides and one was struggling to park. I tried going under it to get across and realized how stupid an idea that was if it happened to move. So I had no choice but to go down the cliff into the beach. Running is pointless there. There are so many rocks you can hardly walk but it’s a beautiful view. I just walked for a while enjoying the beautiful rocks and looked for one I could take with me from the shore. Most were a reddish color with white marbling. I realized how late it was and I had to go to work. I climbed back up the cliff but struggled to get back up. At the very top was an Indian or a Buddhist statute set up like a small altar. It was burgundy or brown in color and had small ornaments around it like charms. I grabbed on to it to pull myself up but noticed some ornaments were not attached and could be moved. I touched them out of curiosity and thought of takin one but it would’ve been wrong. Still realizing I was late for work I wished I had more time. At the same time I wished my wife could be there to enjoy that moment but as always her interests are elsewhere and it felt like a thing only I appreciate. In real life running is my getaway sort of speak and I run thru desolate areas that aren’t always pretty sights but I appreciate them for what they are.I suppose this dream hints on that. And yes like Buddhism and used to collect stones as well so all that figures in my dream.