Never ending hallway that led somewhere

Date: 3/22/2017

By Jadders

I lived in this really beautiful garden but I wore tatty white trousers and a plain dirty green t-shirt. One day I decided that I would run away. I ran up hills, through mountains.. Doing somersaults and flips and really cool jumps over everything. I got to a really really tall rock, so I ran and climbed over it and ended up running through a grave yard where a couple reported me to the police as I looked suspicious. The grave yard turned into a hallway of just doors. Red carpet and white doors, I kept running through this never ending hallway while I was being chased by the police (because the couple reported me). I was able to run on the walls and the ceiling to dodge obstacles that were laying around the hallway, like a fridge. But some how the police managed to get infront of me, and knocked me out with a taser to the head. I then woke up stood up, in what looks like a house but only one room of it. It had a patio door that lead out to nothing but black. Against the wall was a bunch of tills that look like the ones you see in Poundland. There was a groups of us in this room but no one I know in real life. The room was very dark and blue. We were picking up drugs from underneath the tills, we only had until the people returned. One of the bags we picked up had multicooured grains of rice in it, but it was the powder it produces that gets you high and the bag had split in my face. I was high has a kite in a matter of no time. It made me want to pack up, so I but everything of mine away in a bag and stood it on a chair and then I just stood there staring at it. The other group of people I was with didn't like what i was doing so they got out these really chunky, hard, strong and long sticks and started beating me.. I was helpless and couldn't fight back so I fell to the ground. That's when I truly woke up from the dream.