Burlesque & Food Trucks

Date: 4/12/2019

By jessethecleric

The main event was mild , sanitized burlesque show at this two story bar, with a vague dystopian Wild West theme. After the show, all the dancers were congratulated by their friends and family. Met a dude who was also into harmontown at the food trucks after. (It’s a podcast I listen to, he mentioned it first) Leaving the bar it the entire street had a Mardi Gras festival vibe with dozens of people either wrapping up their parties with booze all around in the daylight, or starting it. I was on my way home though when I saw some use-able furniture on the street. I was inspecting an earth globe and a chair when I saw a woman possibly checking me out through her window. I casually walk into her house (again, would never do this IRL) sit on her couch and she puts her head on my lap. Nothing sexual just lays there for abit. We talk, I accidentally break stuff of hers just by opening the door to leave and I wake up