Date: 5/5/2019
By gstpsk
Me and Louk were cycling to school and we were going pretty fast. Louk was also a bit mad at me and we were racing each other. I quickly sped up and passed him at the end. After this we met Rapper sjors, he was parking his scooter next to a lantern poll. I pass him and want to go to school. Rapper sjors yells at me to be careful with his scooter.Louk morphed Floris and raced around the corner. Me and rapper sjors were pretty far away from the bike.He was walking somewhere I was still trying to go to school. All of a sudden we hear a Louk ruckus. We both turn around to look and I see Floris had tripped over rapper sjors' scooter, rapper sjors doesn’t seem to notice tho. I wait for Floris to catch-up and we follow rapper sjors. We are at some kind of children’s play place and the was a small football field too. I park my bike against this cage and lock it.We needed to keep rapper sjors here so we could think of a solution. We thought the best way to distract him was to amuse him with other things. Floris lies down on the ground and we’re pretending to play tikkertje while he’s lying there. Rapper sjors is really easily amused and keeps watching. After a while it gets boring and we play another game, surgeon. Floris is all dressed up in clothing patients wear when they under go surgery. I say scalpel and stuff like that and rapper sjors was very amused.We we’re happy he was amused. The dream ended here.z