Date: 2/6/2020
By iamMartinez!
I was at work late at night and all the sudden it started to rain. There was no ceiling so I could feel the fine drops of water like a very light sprinkle. Little after all the lights went out. We pointed our flashlights at the sky enjoying the awesome down pour. Soon we had a mess on the floor of wet equipment and tools. My shift was over and it was time to pack up and leave when a female GM walks in angry of the mess. She asks where I’m going. Home I say. She told me to wait cause she wanted to address the workers. So I wait a while until she goes into her power trip and I immediately leave. For some reason I decide to catch up on some missed workouts. There’s a steep driveway and I’m doing my uphill sprints when a female coworker drives up to me. She tells me she’s going out for dinner and if I would like to come along. She looks good so I’m definitely interested but there is something about the left side of her face. Like had suffered a burn or something. I tell her thanks but I gotta go and that’s when my wife drives up and sees me talking to her. She gets mad but she’s trying to hold back. Tells me she brought my lunch but apparently I wasn’t at risk of going hungry. She hands me my lunch and drives away. Soon after she comes back and tells me she’s taking my car and that I’ll have to take hers. So I get in her car and drive away. I came up on this door or gate. My car could barely fit through it. It was an entrance into a tiny restaurant. The only other way out was a front door but there was no way my car would fit through there. I stepped out to look around. It was a tiny bistro with maybe some 4 tables well decorated with white plates some pepper mint in the middle. I was gonna try and move the tables over to get my car through and a lady came out of the kitchen. I felt busted and I didn’t know what to say.