
Date: 8/9/2021

By pardonkookie

Me and my family had been going out ghost hunting at this place. It was daytime snd we were just walking around and we kept hearing different disembodied voices and evil laughs. In this one building, I was with my aunt who passed away this year. I was trying to talk to her and tell her something. IRL I keep seeing the number 13 everywhere. Like I happen to see the time turn to -something-:13 like 2:13, 8:13. I see the number EVERYWHERE. like to the point where it has been freaking me out. Anyway, in my dream I wanted to talk to my aunt Nancy about it (the once while passed away this year in my dream but she was alive in my dream). For some reason in my dream I think I had figured out the time when I first started seeing this number and it had something to do with her death? So I was aware that in my dream she was actually supposed to be dead irl so that’s weird. But anyway, as soon as I start talking about the number to her, we hear this evil laugh so I decide that we should leave the building we were in snd talk outside. So we all leave the building bc I wasn’t even focusing on the ghost hunting at that point. Once we were outside this wave of dizziness/light headedness can upon us all, starting from my other aunt who was there, she ended up loosing her balance so she fell over and I caught her and walked her over to a bench. And this feeling passed around up like a literal wave, even I lost my footing a bit and felt light headed but I shook it off. The person mostly affected tho was my cousin who was with us as well. After the feeling passed, I looked around at all of us to make sure we were all away but my cousin was sitting with his back on the seat part of the chair and his legs just holding his body up. Then he began to violently shake ans his eyes were rolling back. He was so tense, I thought he was having a seizure. So my mom who is a nurse, tried grabbing his head and I helped move him onto the floor but he continued to shake more violently. And as soon as his body began to crack and twist in places it shouldn’t have, to the point here his back was snapped in half and lifted off the floor, I immediately said “we need an exorcism” to my family and I was getting scared so I said a quick prayer in my head (like my actual body that was sleeping in bed) and I was immediately pulled out from that dream. My heart was beating out of my chest. It was horrible. If anyone knows what this dream might mean, or what me seeing the number 13 all over the place in my waking life can mean, please let me know. I’m super shaken up about all of this.

AI generated interpretation In your dream, you and your family go on a ghost hunt and hear eerie disembodied voices and laughs, which can indicate that there are some hidden fears or anxieties that you may be struggling with in your waking life. Your deceased aunt in the dream may represent someone or something that you miss or that you feel a sense of guilt or loss over. The recurring number 13 in your dream and waking life can be considered a symbol of bad luck, misfortune, or even death, which might be why you are particularly focused on it in your dream. Struggling to figure out what it may mean also suggests that you might be searching for some kind of meaning or purpose in life more generally. The wave of dizziness/light-headedness in the dream can point to a feeling of being overwhelmed or out of control in waking life, while the violent shaking and possession might indicate that there are subconscious fears or emotional turmoil that you are struggling to deal with. The need for an exorcism suggests that you feel a sense of urgency to address these fears or anxieties. Overall, the dream appears to be an expression of your innermost concerns and fears, which may be overwhelming and may require deeper addressing in your waking life. You might consider seeking support from a therapist or trusted friend to help you process these feelings and find a way to move forward.