Date: 8/5/2020
By taysav
A town where drunk dogs roamed the streets. Known for getting into fights and destroying things. Not specifically dangerous to humans but dangerous as they were. Humans walking in crowded lines, humans all seemed like tourists here. Mitchell’s hospital, a fire and smoke billows from behind a nursing door. I ask him if there is an emergency, does he have to assist the masses of patients and acknowledge that there must be lots of stress attached to that. There is an alarm, a dangerous person is on the loose, using a karate hand pressure point to disable people. His identity is not disclosed as memory from this wrist bend attack stuns you long enough for him to disappear. I’m walking past a street corner similar to Edward street, Mitchell is beside me then I lose him in the masses of people. I walk past a middle aged darker Asian man wearing steel framed glasses and a green coat. He’s got a look the triggers my knowledge of him being the man of interest nas our shoulders slide past each other he gently picks up my wrist and bends it toward my forearm. I’m paralysed and blind for a moment. I want to follow him but I also want to swim upnstream to find and warn Mitchell. Instead I come across Matthew Walsh. We’re catching up similar to Braedon, talking about dead singers, killing Heidi and Jeff Buckley. I come across the Asian man again. I fear he will recognise my recognition in my eyes. Even still I look. Mums car is. White Yaris. We go downstairs because we are going somewhere to get something. I think this how we end up in dog town. I light a strong mugwort incense and but it window. Mum turns car into convertable. I wonder if Mitchell wanted to come it enough to time wasn’t left to him so I send him a message. I open the door expecting him and it’s someone else. He eventually turns up.