Date: 9/22/2019
By TastesLikeWallpaper
It was late night, and I was leaving some place I went to, either bowling or the movies. I got into my car and glanced through my passenger window to look into the car next to mine. To my surprise, there was a naked female in the front. She had the car seat reclined, and was curled up like she was sleeping. I stared in shock at how she was there where anyone could see her, but soon started my car. The engine woke her up, and I looked away before we made eye contact. She covered up with a jacket, and looked over at me, trying to see if I had noticed she was naked. I quickly reversed out of the parking spot and drove toward the exit. As I was driving away, it occurred to me that I hadn't checked when I was reversing, which is really dangerous. I looked in my rear view mirror, and to my horror, I saw a small, human shaped lump on the ground where my car had been previously parked. Another human shaped figure was standing over it, and a crowd was gathering. I heard someone shriek and felt a terrifying chill settle in me before I sped out of the parking lot. I "woke up" the next morning, still feeling nervous and terrible about what I did, and I turned on the news. To my horror, what I did made the news. "Jeep Runs Over and Kills Two Year Old" the headline reads. I watched the news, fully panicked. The reporter went on to say that the two year old died in a gruesome way. She then flashed pictures of my car and liscense plate on the screen, then told people to be on the lookout for the car.