Animal Space Adventure/Attack!

Date: 12/11/2018

By leathecage

My room was a spaceship. I was in it and floating through space with my friend. In the middle of the room was a table with bird cages and fish tanks on it. My irl pet birds were in two of the cages, and my oldest was looking a little worse for wear. I decided that I'd take him to the vet when we landed back on earth. In the fish tanks there were just... fish. But there was a cylindrical, small tank with eight compartments. Four had action figure people looking "fish" in it, and the others had these big snowflakes with eyes. I was thinking about switching out the snowflakes so my other fish to take their turn "leveling up", but the all of a sudden a selection popped up. It was asking me if the snowflakes could level up. I gave it the okay and they started to glow. They then transformed into more complex looking snowflakes. Then, the action figure fish started to speak. They told me that I had learned too much, and that their plan had to be put into action sooner than planned. The action figures then jumped out of their tube and became human sized. One of them was Levi from Attack on Titan, and he tried killing me. He started strangling me with some rope, and there was nothing I could do. But then, one of my birds flew into the scene, bopping him in the temple, and knocking Levi away from me. Everything was suddenly okay, and our ship landed. The large, space door opened and I was in my work. My manager was there and she saw me be all frantic. Three out of the four birds I had were sickly looking, and I began freaking out. I set their cage on the front desk and went to get my other pets, and when I came back a little girl had two of my birds in her purse. I then grabbed her bad and started taking the birds back. He mom started yelling at me, but then my manager piped in and said that they weren't for sale. I then sent my birds to the vet and went back in my spaceship room. My friend, who I forgot was on board, walked over to me and she had a fancy, black dress on. She said she had a party to attend and had to go. I then started freaking out because I didn't know when I worked next, and proceeded to go to work anyway.